Tecnocampus wants to help entrepreneurs develop sustainable business models. With this objective, it has launched a new call for the Innoemprèn program, which this year prominently incorporates the concept of sustainability. With the aim of transforming business ideas into sustainable business models, Innoemprèn Sostenible seeks to promote projects that have a triple impact: social, economic and environmental.

Alicia Cantalejo, Entrepreneurship project manager at TecnoCampus, has highlighted the importance of this program as a crucial tool for validating business projects. “Projects that are not validated in the market have a high failure rate,” she stated, underlining the need for structured support for entrepreneurs and startups in their initial phases.

In this sense, Innoemprèn Sostenible is a high-performance program aimed at accompanying entrepreneurs and startups in the transformation of their ideas into successful companies. This year, the program is especially focused on sustainability, aligning with new global challenges and with the objective of generating a positive impact in the economic, social and environmental spheres.

Innoemprèn Sostenible is aimed at entrepreneurs with innovative and/or technology-based business ideas who wish to transform them into sustainable projects and startups with innovative and/or technological business models that have a sustainable vision and are in the process of validation.

The program offers resources to test the value proposition in the market using recognized methodologies such as Lean StartUp, Customer Development and Business Model Canvas. Participants will receive training from experts and will have the support of specialized mentors who will help shape their projects.

Innoemprèn Sostenible participants can expect to discover and validate their business idea, prototype their solution and create a sustainable business model.

The program is based on three fundamental pillars: Lean Startup, training and workshops to validate the business model; Business Mentoring, support from experienced business mentors; and financing, with access to initiatives such as Creatic and the Tecnocampus Incubator.

The program is subsidized by the Department of Business and Labor of the Generalitat of Catalonia, with co-financing from the European Social Fund plus. Registration is open until June 5 and the program will launch on the 14th of the same month.

For more information and registration, interested entrepreneurs and startups can visit the Tecnocampus website.