A young girl of about 15 years old died and three men were seriously injured on Saturday in an all-terrain accident while participating in a non-competitive test organized by a 4×4 vehicle club in the council of Cangas del Narcea.

According to the Civil Guard, the event took place around 2:15 p.m., when the Range Rover vehicle left a forest track that goes to Castro de Limés. The Emergency Service of the Principality of Asturias (SEPA) detailed that the SUV overturned and rolled down a hillside.

Sources close to the investigation told Efe that, apparently, the father of the deceased minor – both residents of Madrid – was driving the damaged car.

The Asturias Fire Rescue Group, aboard the medical helicopter, evacuated a man to the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA), while another man was transferred to this same center in the Mobile ICU of the area activated by the Service. of Urgent Medical Care (SAMU), SEPA reported.

The third man was transferred by the ambulance and the Cangas Primary Care doctor to the Carmen y Severo Ochoa Hospital. In this last case, the injured person was subsequently evacuated from the Cangués hospital to the HUCA by the rescue team, aboard the medical aircraft.

The three injured people, at the expense of more tests and until further medical evaluation, have a reserved prognosis.

The Emergency Coordination Center received a notice alerting that four people were inside the vehicle, which had overturned and rolled down a hillside in the Fanoste area, in El Acebo.

Once in the area, the officers verified that two of them had been fired from the interior, at different points, while two others, one of them the deceased, were inside. The firefighters will proceed to release the lifeless body of the deceased, after the pertinent authorization.

The Seprona patrol from Cangas del Narcea and the Judicial Police team and the Civil Guard Attestants also went to the place to investigate the proceedings.