The Department of Education has reorganized the FP pre-registration process, simplifying it and shortening its times again, after the strong demand for places in the last three years led thousands of students to enroll in the private one or start their classes weeks ago. after starting the course.

The department has also changed the preference criteria to obtain a place (reservations). In this sense, place reservations for students from intermediate to higher grade will increase and the options for high school students will decrease.

Finally, a new type of student will enter the classrooms: those who have professional certifications (workers who have been recognized for their acquired knowledge or experience) and want to obtain the entire degree. He will enroll only in what he needs to complete the degree.

EducaciĆ³ has changed the process, adapting it to the regulatory development of the Vocational Training Law, approved in 2022, and which comes into force in the 2024-205 academic year. This completely reorganizes the vocational training system. This is a major reform that changes the curricula and forces the student to train in workplaces with a scholarship or contract remuneration (internships disappear).

All these new features for the 2024-2025 academic year are accompanied by the reorganization of the pre-registration process. The main novelty is that in the month of July the awards of the ordinary process will end, those who pre-registered in April. And all students will know whether or not they have a place for what they have requested on their list of options, the center and the shift.

In previous courses, this final moment occurred at the end of September, after several assignment processes, which allowed the assigned places to be redistributed in several batches to students who finally did not enroll, but which required them to do so already at the start of the course. Now those who enter will find out in July.

The first to know it will be those who aspire to study a higher degree. If they enter the first option on their list, they will find out on July 11 and must register from July 15 to 18. Those who have been assigned the first option in the requested intermediate degree cycle will know on July 15, and can enroll in the period from July 17 to 22.

In the second round, the reservation of the second, third or other option already assigned to the student is guaranteed. But this one has not enrolled yet. We are waiting for the registration period for the first batch to end. If there are vacancies because some students from the first option give up enrolling, the place is released and access is rearranged again. Those who had a second option secured can then enroll for the first one.

The publication of the second batch of assignments occurs in higher grade on July 30 and in intermediate grade on July 31. With this, students who have entered an option will know, before going on vacation, whether they have entered or not. You have to pass August to enroll. The period will take place from September 2 to 6.

At the end of this period, the unassigned places are made available to all citizens from September 12 to 16 and are ordered by academic grade.

From this new procedure, the most affected will be those students who, even having pre-registered in April, have not obtained a place in the ordinary process (due to low grade). These will have the “play-off” on September 12, but in this new process any citizen can attend and the criteria that protect the most vulnerable are eliminated, such as reservations of places for those in the 4th year of ESO or 1st year of high school, or those who come from training such as Basic Training or PFI to access the intermediate level. Or those who come from an intermediate level or other technical training and go on to a higher level. If the grade of the “citizens” who did not pre-register in April is higher than yours, they will be left out again or in cycles that they had not requested.

Other news

In the higher degree cycles, those who come from intermediate degree cycles will benefit more than in the last year compared to those who come from high school.

Until now, high school students had a 60% reservation of places in any maula of higher grade cycles. Students who came from intermediate grade had 20% and the other 20% was reserved for those who entered through a specific test.

This reservation of places changes in favor of the continuity of middle grade students who saw their options to continue to a higher grade limited. The measure wanted to discriminate against students with low grades who would find it difficult to follow the requirements of higher cycle training (part of higher education), which already included students who had studied academic subjects during high school (mathematics, language, science).

But the limited reservation for middle-grade students prevented many from jumping to higher education. This has forced them in the past to opt for other intermediate-level cycles, to take a higher degree different from the type of knowledge they have completed (if they did health, move on to logistics or others) or to stop studying.

Now, the reservation for middle school students will be 36% (was 20%) and for high school students will be 44% (was 60%). The rest of the reserved accesses are the entrance test (15%), students with a higher technical degree (5%).

With the new FP law, the priorities for access to the intermediate degree also change. Until now, 70% of seats in a classroom were reserved for ESO students, 20% for Basic Vocational Training students and 10% for those who had obtained the access test. Furthermore, the average grade was obtained from the first three ESO courses.

In the 2024-2025 academic year, 80% is reserved for those in ESO and basic vocational training (previously 90%) who have completed these studies in the last three years. The entrance test rises to 15% (previously 10%) and students with a vocational training degree rise to 5%. Likewise, the grade will be obtained with the sum of 3rd and 4th of ESO.

For workers with professional certificates (they have accredited skills equivalent to FP modules) 5% of places are reserved for both intermediate and higher degrees, which implies, de facto, an increase in classroom ratios.