The plenary session of the Consell de la Generalitat Valenciana has approved a decree that contemplates several measures to help those affected by the Valencia fire. Among these, between 6,000 and 10,000 euros will be granted to deal with the loss of personal property, depending on the number of members of each family. And direct aid will be activated to cover the rental costs of affected people who have lost their habitual residence of up to 1,500 euros per month for one year.

In addition, the Second Vice Presidency and Department of Social Services, Equality and Housing will promote “measures for the preferential relocation to residences and day centers of dependent people who had their habitual residence in the damaged buildings.” The Second Vice Presidency and Department of Social Services, Equality and Housing, the Department of Education, Universities and Occupation, and the Department of Health will coordinate services in terms of psychological assistance to people residing in the homes affected by the fire to deal with the events. traumas that arise.

The Department of Finance, Economy and Public Administration will prepare the necessary provisions to articulate tax aid consisting of the establishment of type 0, in the property transfer tax in the event that the people affected by the fire decide to acquire a new habitual residence, and to except the payment of the sanitation fee established in Law 2/1992, of March 26, of the Generalitat, for damaged homes, with effect from February 21, 2024.

Also, the Department of Education, Universities and Occupation will promote measures for the preferential schooling of minors from families who have to change their residence as a result of the loss of their habitual residence due to the fire. The Department of the Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory will arbitrate the necessary measures to guarantee free public transportation on means of public transportation dependent on the Generalitat to people residing in the homes affected by the fire, during the period to be determined.

The decree indicates that the aid that is articulated in the execution of this agreement is compatible with each other and complementary with the compensation that the beneficiaries can obtain from the insurance they have contracted.