The Petazetaz duo, two influencers with thousands of followers on TikTok and Instagram, are in the eye of the hurricane after it emerged that on February 24 they were arrested for drugging minors and alleged rape. The authorities reported that those arrested used a very specific drug on the victims of their games: GHB, better known as liquid ecstasy.

Known as “liquid ecstasy,” it is a powerful central nervous system depressant that can give a false sense of well-being. Although its nickname suggests an experience similar to ecstasy, in reality, its effects are radically different, as ecstasy is a stimulant and not a depressant drug like GHB.

It circulates in the form of a clear liquid and is mainly consumed orally, often mixed with water. However, this form of consumption makes it difficult to control the dose, which can lead to significant variations in the effects experienced, depending on the quantity and purity of the product ingested.

The effects of GHB can vary widely from person to person. They typically occur between 10 and 20 minutes after ingestion, peaking at 60-90 minutes, and disappearing completely within 3 to 4 hours.

While the effects of this drug last, the person who has consumed it may experience an increase in sociability or improved communication skills. However, unwanted effects such as drowsiness, obtundation, headache, confusion and even respiratory depression, delusional ideas, hallucinations and coma can also occur. Furthermore, if the habitual consumption of this drug is stopped, it can lead to a withdrawal syndrome characterized by insomnia, tremors, sweating and anxiety.

It should be noted that recently, the presence of GBL (Gamma butyro lactone), a substance with a structure very similar to GHB, has been observed on the market. When consumed, the body converts GBL into GHB, which means that both produce identical effects.

The significance of this element has generated greater concern, especially due to the association of these substances with cases of “drug-induced sexual assault.” They are a recent example of a case involving the duo of influencers Petazetaz, mentioned at the beginning of the article, or the case of ‘father Fran’, whose events emerged at the end of September of last 2023.