He had a restraining order in force against his ex-partner that he broke on April 20, when he sneaked into her home and detained her, along with her children, for 24 hours. With threats and carrying knives and blunt objects, she prevented the victims from escaping the home. It was the next day when she kicked the children out of the house, at which time they went to report the events at the National Police station in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz.

For her part, the woman had been forced to accompany her attacker by car to different parts of the town until he was intervened by agents of the State Security Forces. Once he was safe, the man was arrested and brought to justice.

After an intense search and thanks to the coordination of the troops involved in the search operation, the victim and the alleged perpetrator were located, who was arrested and who was immediately seized with a knife and two blunt objects with which carried out his threats. Once out of danger, the woman was taken to police stations to file the relevant complaint, which was processed by specialized personnel.

On the morning of April 22, the detainee was placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction number four of El Puerto de Santa María, who ordered his entry into provisional prison.