The mother of the baby found dead in Zaragoza, Tatiana D.N., claims that she accidentally suffocated her son, who was only eight months old, while covering his mouth so that his cries could not be heard.

These statements were made before the head of the court on duty to which she was taken on Wednesday as allegedly responsible for the murder of her baby, whose body was found last Sunday behind a concrete bench located next to the CaixaForum building in Zaragoza, according to reports. to EFE judicial sources.

In her first statements to the police after her arrest, the woman offered investigators the same version that she gave two hours before the lifeless body was found: that she had been the victim of an attack by a North African couple and that His son had been kidnapped by both of them.

However, the mother, a native of León but residing in Zaragoza, faced with the lack of consistency in her explanations and the pressure from the agents, confessed that she had accidentally suffocated her son trying to avoid hearing his cries.

After the baby’s death due to asphyxiation was confirmed by the forensic experts, the agents proceeded to arrest the woman, whose disappearance had been reported along with that of the newborn a few days before by her husband.

In addition, the cameras from the CaixaForum building confirmed to the investigators that the woman approached a nearby bench and placed a package on the ground.

The woman’s psychiatric history and her addiction to different types of drugs previously motivated the police to activate the Amber Alert, a protocol for action in the event of high-risk disappearances.

After listening to his testimony and hearing both the prosecutor and the defense lawyer, the Zaragoza lawyer Alejandro Soteras, the judge ordered his imprisonment for the crime of murder with the aggravating circumstance of kinship.