FiraTàrrega has rethought its Creation Support program, dedicated to accompanying stage creation processes. Starting with the 2025 call, the program opens exclusively to street arts proposals and the number of companies is reduced to five, while on the other hand the financial award grows to 10,000 euros for each of the selected projects.

“The quantity decreases but the quality increases,” explained its artistic director, Anna Giribet, who stressed that, despite the “rethinking”, the objectives of the program remain the same, which are to “feed the market for art pieces and promote their hiring both nationally and internationally”.

Support for Creation, within the Creative Territory program of FiraTàrrega, is now defined as the program of accompaniment and co-production of street arts interested in contemporary aesthetics, the hybridization of languages ??and artistic fields and the discovery of talent.

The program wants to offer a framework for creators to experiment with new approaches, stage formats and street dramaturgies and to investigate artist-spectator relational theater, as well as the participation of audiences in creative processes.

Thus, the main changes that the remodeling of the program implies are the exclusivity of street arts proposals, the reduction of the number of companies to five and the significant increase in the financial endowment, which amounts to up to 10,000 euros for each project.

Another novelty is that FiraTàrrega wants to promote the creation of a new system of co-productions with other agents and accomplices of creation with the intention of guaranteeing greater economic sustainability of the proposals.