“No one is going to bend this Government.” Yolanda Díaz is leading Sumar’s plot in the first person in the face of the “unprecedented attacks by the right, and the extreme right, on democracy” that have pushed Pedro Sánchez to take a period of reflection on his political future.

This is a scenario that no one from the confederal space dares to speculate about, but which has led to a closing of the ranks of the coordinating group that today has elected its new executive with which to rearm the “transformative process of the country with more force.” never”.

In that sense, Díaz has reiterated that “no one is going to overthrow the democratic will of our country.” And opening the plan so that the focus is not only on Sánchez, he recalled that the delegitimization of the Executive has not arisen overnight: “We have been seeing it since the time of Aznar and we have experienced it with more intensity since we were part of the Government”, he assured, emphasizing that lawfare has also suffered from Sumar.

Díaz has verbalized the closing of ranks with the PSOE, but has not hesitated to reprimand his partner for the management carried out since the formation of the Government at the end of November. We must “take care of and defend the coalition, but we must do so by leading the programmatic offensive” (…) “It is not the same to endure the attacks of the extreme right when you are transforming your country than when you are locked up and on the defensive,” He blurted out, recalling the recurring complaints made against the socialists for having placed the legislature on standby, slowing down the legislative agenda on social matters.

Meeting at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, the new Executive of Sumar has ratified Díaz as general coordinator and endorsed the spokesperson of Congress, Íñigo Errejón as responsible for the area of ??Political Analysis, and the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, as spokesperson national.

Among the most notable appointments are also Paula Moreno as head of Sector Groups, Josep Vendrell as head of Territorial Model and Plurinationality, former IU leader Lara Hernández as Secretary of Organization, and Elizabeth Duval as head of training communication.

In total, 18 members of the 25 members of the Executive have been endorsed, pending the incorporation of the representatives of Sumar’s allied parties – Izquierda Unida, Más Madrid, Catalunya en Comú, Equo, Initiative of the Andalusian People and Contigo Navarra – , given that his entry into management has been postponed to a later phase.