Freedom, a concept that has given such good results to the PP in Madrid, led by Isabel Díaz Ayuso, is the new banner of its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who yesterday established himself as champion of that founding idea of ??the democracy in the face of the “populist drift” observed in Pedro Sánchez.

For the opposition leader, who chaired a meeting of the PP parliamentary groups in the Congress and the Senate, the “democratic regeneration” that the president of the Government spoke of when announcing that he continues to lead the Executive is part of his “ movie script.” A “function” in which, no matter how much Sánchez has made himself “ridiculous,” said Feijóo, the general secretary of the PSOE has entered into a “populist drift” that the PP will combat from all fronts, also with demonstrations in the street.

In this ideological counteroffensive against “the wall” of the investiture, behind which Sánchez now seeks to “hide and perpetuate himself,” even at the cost of “splitting the country in two,” said Feijóo, the PP proposes, among other measures, to shield the “free journalism”, prohibit lawfare accusations against judges, strengthen controls against corruption and deepen transparency in the family environment to prevent conflicts of interest. That is, reverse the initiatives that the President of the Government pointed out, without specifying them, in his speech.

Feijóo considers that Sánchez’s “narcissism” leads him to only accept the criteria of judges and journalists when they agree with him, an attitude that, in his opinion, deserves an “unequivocal ethical condemnation” and to which the PP, warned, He will not sit idly by: “If he finds himself with more strength to continue, we will defend equality, freedom and truth more than ever,” he exclaimed.

Flanked by the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, and the spokespersons in Congress and the Senate, Miguel Tellado and Alicia García, the popular leader encouraged his people to fight against the “economic and constitutional corruption” of the PSOE and deactivate the “democratic degeneration” – not regeneration – that the President of the Government has proposed after his five days of reflection to continue in Moncloa.

To begin with, the PP will request Sánchez’s appearance in Congress. If the partners who support him “protect” him there, he will call him to the Senate, where the popular ones have an absolute majority and “he will have to show his face.” But if he does not even offer the explanations that Feijóo demands of him, the commission of investigation of the Koldo case of the Upper House will request all the information that is considered appropriate, in a new exhibition of the counterpower into which the Senate has been transformed into this legislature.

Likewise, the leader of the PP warned that he will not remain “impassive” in the face of the “partisan use” of State institutions, such as RTVE, which has become, according to him, a “propaganda organ” of the Government, since it is chaired by an “unapologetic socialist militant” and is the subject of “intolerable manipulation,” and announced that he will take the CIS to court, placed, under the direction of José Félix Tezanos, “at the service of his master.”

Furthermore, the opposition appeals to the community institutions in the face of this “attack” on the rule of law, which Feijóo equated to the situation experienced in Poland when the executive branch wanted to control the judiciary, and congratulates itself on the response obtained from Manfred Weber, leader of the EPP, and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, who, as he said, share his “concern” about what is happening in Spain.

And precisely in Europe, jumping over Catalonia, where the PP’s electoral prospects are far from those of the PSC, Feijóo estimates the imminent defeat of Sánchez’s project at the polls: “We have a lot at stake,” he said, and called for militancy to “raise awareness” among Spaniards that we must “unite the vote around the only alternative” against Sánchez.

Like on Monday, when she was the first popular baroness to go on the offensive against Sánchez’s continuity, Ayuso did not give the president any respite yesterday either, whom she accused of asking for forgiveness from the left for his wife, Begoña Gómez, while against her he puts “the mud machine” is underway due to the tax fraud that his partner, Alberto González Amador, has acknowledged. “They are in that mud machine and whoever is not on their part of the wall should get ready. Come on, Begoña is the owner of the wall,” Ayuso launched in the plenary session of the Assembly.

And the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, was not far behind in giving support to the hoax about the trip by Falcon from Sánchez to Doñana these long weekend days: “Give me the benefit of the doubt,” he claimed.