It is common to think of young people when talking about training. From childhood, children are learning; after the years of compulsory school, it is still an option for many to continue training with non-compulsory education. Although it is not essential to get a job, having an education helps you achieve some job positions.

However, studying has long ceased to be something only for young people. In fact, it is increasingly common to find older people studying, and it is not surprising. Aging is a characteristic feature of 21st century Spanish society. Recent studies indicate that life expectancy at birth is around 80 years in Spain. The greater average longevity, together with the drastic decrease in birth rates, leaves an increasingly older population.

Along with the increase in longevity, new concerns have also arisen in this group of the population. Due to medical advances, it is becoming a more numerous, independent and active sector. In this way, many take advantage of retirement as a second youth in which, free of burdens and responsibilities and with financial independence, they once again enjoy their passions. From traveling to continuing to learn, the options are becoming less limited.

In fact, this desire to learn is not only something of young people, but many elderly people, who did not have the opportunity to study beyond the basics, and less than that, take advantage of old age as a second opportunity to train and learn. what they could not do in their youth. Your circumstances have changed, so now may be the perfect time.

Beyond each person’s personal concerns, studying is something that can be incredibly beneficial in old age. In fact, several investigations have shown that brain plasticity is maintained to a greater or lesser extent throughout life, so, if there is no medical disability derived from any disorder or illness, studying at 65 or older is beneficial. , since the creation of connections in the brain is maintained.

Several researchers, such as Álvaro Pascual-Leone, professor of Neurology at Harvard University (USA), in his book The Healing Brain talks about the importance of having a purpose in life to maintain brain health. And it is not the only one, there are specialists who speak specifically about the benefits of that purpose being learning.

There are doctors who assure that from the age of 65 it is good to exercise the brain to prevent and reduce the risk of falling into depression and combat the onset of dementia, thanks to exercising memory and staying motivated. While it is true that studying is an enriching activity at any stage of life, it is especially beneficial during old age. Not only because of the brain stimulation it entails, but also because of what it means to go to class, socialize, move…

Going to class not only forces you to have social relationships, but also increases self-esteem by being self-sufficient and feeling useful, betting on things that especially enrich oneself. According to psychologist David Salas, specialized in anxiety disorders, depression, behavioral problems, coaching and psychoeducation, among others, studying as an adult has visible benefits in terms of mental health.

According to Salas, “adults are there voluntarily, so they are more interested and it gives them another meaning. The vision of the future is because they want it. Studying at an advanced age helps emotionally to have a project in life, a vision for the future. According to studies, studying makes it easier to keep cognitive or executive abilities and memory in shape… Without a doubt, that restlessness, that motivation to want to study, favors mental health.”

On the other hand, according to Professor Martí Herrero from the Educem Vocational Training Center in Granollers, his students between 40 and 50 years old pay more attention in class and have, in general, a different attitude towards the subject compared to younger students. . Furthermore, he assures that different synergies are generated and some learn from others.

As it is popularly said, “knowledge takes up no space” and knowledge enriches those who acquire it, regardless of their age. Therefore, someone who is hungry for training will be able to do so, as long as there are no barriers, of any kind, that prevent them from doing so.