The future European combat aircraft, the FCAS, will carry Spanish technology led by Indra. The multinational chaired by Marc Murtra is seeking to scale the project by allying with technology centers in the country and has reached an agreement with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Galician technology center Gradiant, as La Vanguardia has learned. The objective is for the Catalan computing center to collaborate in the development of highly innovative technologies to incorporate them into the fighter that will be operational from 2040.

It is the first time that Spain participates at the same industrial level as France and Germany in a military project. The three countries have committed to investing 8 billion. In the third of the Spanish project, Indra is in charge of developing the part of the combat cloud, which will allow data to be exchanged in real time with any aircraft, ship, armored vehicle or satellite.

The BSC’s task will be to develop its specialization in artificial intelligence and supercomputing. Gradiant will contribute its advances in so-called cognitive radios, capable of learning, adapting and making decisions in real time.

Indra launched a public competition to detect SMEs, startups and research centers that collaborate in the ambitious project and received 80 proposals from 70 entities throughout the territory. The objective of the group is that the Defense ministries of Spain, Germany and France have, at the end of the program, an advanced military system, unique in the world.