Sant Pere de Ribes organizes the VII Return of Indians on the weekend of June 1 and 2, where the connection of Indian buildings takes center stage as a witness to the passage of time with the experiences and essence of the people who have passed through these buildings. generation after generation. As always, you can enjoy different Indian spaces with performances, music, theater and tastings of products that marked this era – such as chocolate, burnt rum or coffee – which are also present on the event’s poster. On the other hand, it is worth highlighting the participation for the first time of the Catalan Railway Museum, which will be present with different activities and workshops to make this journey through time.

This year, on the occasion of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Redós de Sant Josep and Sant Pere Foundation – its headquarters being one of the main heritage buildings of the Indian legacy – the Redós will be even more of a protagonist. In addition, the fact that it is a socio-health facility for people’s care coincides with the common thread of this year’s edition dedicated to the heritage-people binomial and will host different reasons and activities that will be carried out.

As has been done since the first edition, coinciding with the Return of the Indians, the Agromercat Fair is held, which now reaches its 18th edition. A consolidated fair that hosts a varied offering of local and local products, maintaining their quality so that all attendees can taste and buy local and regional wine, jam, honey, cheeses, sweets, among many other artisan products.

The Return of the Indians of Sant Pere de Ribes is one of the most relevant events held around the Indian theme throughout Catalonia. Sant Pere de Ribes is part of the Xarxa de Municicipis Indians along with leading municipalities such as Begur, Arenys de Mar or Sitges, among others. The XMI supports the City Council in holding some activities such as the Tasting of wines paired with chocolate. On the other hand, every year the Indian Conference-tertúlia takes place, which on this occasion will deal with the Indian legacy, the buildings, from the experiences, the lights and shadows of that time, etc. Next, we will have an interesting intervention by the Redós, with which they will transport us to the beginnings of its creation as a building serving and caring for people. All of this, in line with this year’s Indian theme that highlights the importance of keeping heritage alive and its connection with people, memories and experiences.

Visitors will be able to enjoy different spaces and locations set and decorated that will transport them to the time of the Americans, their flavors, their customs, with an already consolidated format but which in this edition will present new features such as the location and decoration of the photocall, which will have a detailed and tasteful staging of the before and after so that people can take photographs. Likewise, the Plaza de la Vila will host the fair information point – where if you go dressed in white, visitors will be given an Indian hat; the display of traditional crafts of the time; musical performances with coffee tasting (an element that was introduced last year and that worked very well); and the meeting point and start of the dramatized routes.

Another novelty this year will be the information point and children’s workshops around the gamified Route of the Indians, a project that wants to encourage families and children to learn about the Indian legacy of Sant Pere de Ribes in a fun way, through a mobile gaming application. In addition, the game will allow through virtual reality to access private spaces or spaces with specific hours, such as Ca la Manuela, the Church of Sant Pere or the Redós de Sant Josep and Sant Pere.

The theatrical guided routes of the Americans will tour the main places of the municipality with an Indian taste with the possibility of accessing spaces such as the Redós de Sant Josep and Sant Pere chapel and the plenary hall of the Casa de la Vila, among others. places.

The program will maintain the habaneras performance that generates so much expectation and that the public at the fair likes so much. In this sense, a novelty is also incorporated with respect to past editions: the habaneras will be located on this occasion, exceptionally, in the courtyard of Redós de Sant Josep and Sant Pere to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the Foundation, in a truly emblematic environment that will evoke the Indian era and to which we invite everyone to attend dressed in white and eager to sing and enjoy this very special musical proposal.

In addition, visitors will be able to visit the American Interpretation Center, the first in Catalonia and which houses the essence of the history and legacy of the Americans. The Interpretation Center, which normally opens its doors from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., will extend its hours on weekend afternoons for the fair, and will remain open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The space takes the visitor, through an interactive visit with several surprises that are discovered, to what was that part of history, explaining the reality of the moment from all areas. An unmissable visit. The Interpretation Center houses the Tourist Office and Information Point of the Garraf Park with which everyone who is interested can request information to enjoy Sant Pere de Ribes and its surroundings during and after the fair.

This year the Indian photocall also presents new features, it will allow you to fully delve into the before and after of the Americans, with the now traditional sound of the player piano on Comerç Street. Everyone is invited to immortalize the moment with a typical photograph of the time. Those who want can participate in this year’s Instagram contest where a gastronomic and cultural prize will be drawn in Sant Pere de Ribes (the photo with the most likes).

Another space will be the Plaza de la Font, which links on one side with the photocall and, on the other, with the space for local artisans led by the DO Ribes entity. In the Plaza de la Font, surrounded by music and decoration, the party will be guaranteed with the performance of Cuban music groups, story-telling by the little ones and exhibitions of salsa and Cuban dances and with tasting of mojitos and typical Indian cocktails.

Beyond the Plaza de la Font, a whole series of children’s games for the little ones that will be distributed along the entire street. On Nou Street, the shops will take to the streets, a space organized with the support of the local commercial entities Fem Ribes, the Ucer and the La Sínia Municipal Market, as a promotional showcase for local and proximity commerce within the framework of the fair. The Fem Ribes entity is expected to organize different activities that will boost trade.

Agromercat, a fair with 18 years of experience, will be located in Plaza Marcer, with about thirty stops that will surprise you with an offer of local agri-food products to taste, pair and purchase. Right there, at the organization’s point of sale, you can buy tickets with the necessary material to taste the products or this year’s new cava plate. You can also purchase the new cava plaque that this year commemorates the 125th anniversary of Redós.

Finally, within the framework of the fair, it is planned to repeat the ‘Indian Menu’ campaign, for the gastronomic promotion of the local bars and restaurants that participate by incorporating Indian menus, dishes or tapas into their menus throughout the weekend, recipes with origin Indian

With all this, we want to offer an experience to those visitors who want to enjoy a weekend with family or friends, atmosphere, street theater, live music, dance, food pairings, games, performances, workshops and much more for everyone. the publics. A range of possibilities to enjoy a weekend with Indian taste. Some of the activities require prior registration for reasons of capacity.