If our dog has to travel, the most common thing is that he does it by car. In that case, your human friend has to assess which is the most comfortable and safe solution for the animal: with a harness or a box. Another option is to place it in the trunk with a separating barrier, which delimits the space between the furry one and the rest of the passengers.

It is less common for a dog to travel on a scooter, because there is no space and because it would not be safe for the animal. Nor for its owner. However, this means of transportation is gaining popularity and some have set out to find a solution so that furry dogs can travel safely.

And a TikTok user seems to have achieved it, according to the video he shared with the rest of his followers on this social network.

To enable a space, its owner has remodeled the lower part of the scooter. There he has placed a kind of padded seat. To reinforce safety, it has a couple of barriers to ensure that the dog does not fall during the journey.

Apparently, this human friend is obsessed with ensuring his dog’s safety, so he decides to give him some protective glasses and a case. The furry one doesn’t even flinch and seems to travel comfortably in this innovative seat.

Everyone seems happy with the result. “The cutest driver in the world,” says the author of the video. Social media users have also been impressed with the ingenious idea. “I need the largest version for myself,” says one on X (formerly Twitter). “A luxury system for a beautiful dog,” some add.