The Minister of Economy, Natàlia Mas, yesterday celebrated Banc Sabadell’s decision to reject the offer presented by BBVA. “Catalonia needs more banks, not fewer. Such an absorption would mean a large loss of employment, an unacceptable concentration and harm to citizens and companies,” she said. The satisfaction was shared yesterday among the Catalan business community.

Both Foment del Treball and Pimec showed their explicit support for the financial entity. “We understand that the rejection of Banc Sabadell is good news taking into account how the business fabric of Catalonia is structured,” they added from the Catalan SME employers’ association. Both organizations already showed their reluctance last week with the operation due to the banking concentration that it would imply, as the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona also did a few days ago.

For its part, CC.OO. He indicated yesterday that he continues to “wait” for the final outcome, waiting to know BBVA’s next movements. The majority union of the banking sector pointed out that it remains vigilant to defend the interests of the staff of both banks.