This Thursday the commons added another condition to form the left-wing Executive to which they aspire after 12-M. “Jéssica Albiach will become a progressive Government and will make it an immediate condition to suspend relations with Israel,” said the former mayor of Barcelona, ??Ada Colau. Dressed in a Palestinian scarf, she charged against ERC: “It is immoral that Pere Aragonès has not broken relations with Israel in the face of this genocide.”

Thus, the list of conditions is expanding. The push for housing policies and the rejection of the fourth belt, the Hard Rock and the expansion of the El Prat airport were already known.

It all happened in Blanes, where the commons and all their political precedents have a certain tradition. Minutes before Colau, Albiach intervened, claiming to be the “only guarantee of a Government of progress.”

“We commons are going ahead, if you vote for us you can rest assured,” said the Comuns Sumar candidate to differentiate herself from the PSC and ERC, who were disgraced by “not closing the door” to Junts in the face of the pacts after 12-M. She was almost crystal clear about the alliances from the beginning of the pre-campaign: she wants a left-wing pact to make progressive policies, not at any price.

To establish himself as a sort of truly leftist, Albiach also surrounded himself with the Minister of Youth and Children and candidate to lead IU, Sira Rego. The municipal plenary hall, not excessively large, became too small.

Rego, Valencian like Albiach, but who was the first deputy mayor of Rivas Vaciamadrid, a Madrid fiefdom to the left of the PSOE, encouraged those present to “not resign themselves to the asphalt pact”, also in turn with a hypothetical renewed sociovergence.

The Blanes event, the point of important union struggles with the SAFA factory as an exponent, was the closing of the Comuns Sumar campaign in Girona, where they understand that they have the possibility of obtaining parliamentary representation with Eloi Badia as number one.

“Salvador Illa is a convinced climate denier,” Badia snapped at the PSC candidate. He also attacked other adversaries. “It is unheard of that ERC and the CUP tell us that we must give the key to the country to Junts,” he insisted.