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Guaranteeing your job and your money is essential. You don’t want to lose the first or have the second disappear. Just this week there are news on both fronts, in a world where the search for security brings joy and some bitterness. There is space for everything.

More protected. Pending point in the labor market. The unemployment benefit reform is already closed: it improves protection, monthly amounts and it will be possible to combine aid and work for up to 180 days. It will also serve to improve the contribution of those over 52 years of age, a point that had generated controversy. Here all the details. Losing your job will not be so traumatic, but with the emergence of AI perhaps everything will change. Will robots and algorithms leave us jobless? Before starting to cry, Fernando Trias de Bes points out in this column that all is far from lost.

Reviews. Let’s go with other support. More than 30,000 self-employed workers will have to return aid due to Covid that they should not have received. Either because they did not comply with the requirements or because their activity did not entitle them to payments, they will have to go through the checkout. Where things are also reviewed is in credit regulations. Changes are being prepared to stop seeing rates of up to 4,000% that some suffered. Limiting interest or advertising on quick loans is on the table. We remind you how you can avoid falling into debt that drags you into financial ruin (Podcast).

Clear strategies. When investing you have to be clear about what you are doing and have a little background. In the market every year the phrase “sell in May and leave the market” revives. The theory says that in the remainder of the year the profitability is lower or even negative. The figures show that it is true, but several details must be taken into account. For those who play it safe, know that the profitability of the much-loved Treasury bills is going down after the new auction this week. Also for the one-year option, one of the most sought after among Spanish savers.

Safes. Speaking of feeling safe, nothing beats a safe. The gold buying boom and thefts are driving private safe-deposit centers. Banking gives way to new alternatives that take care of everything from cash to the keys to operate with cryptocurrencies. A question will already be on someone’s mind: Can the Treasury know what I have? Less security will be needed in the gym, where there is another fever of openings of low-cost centers, the cheapest ones. Between a cult of the body and healthy habits that are on the rise, it turns out that it is a great business.

Tension in Spanish banks. BBVA has launched a hostile takeover bid for Sabadell. Beyond the news, do you really know what a hostile takeover is? Or in whose hands is everything now? To know what is happening you also have to look beyond the numbers. The operation has entered into a game of masters of the universe and commoners, explains Manel Pérez.

Let’s get down to more earthly things. The Tax Agency already helps you make the declaration by phone, something that criminals take advantage of to try new scams. These are the only numbers from which the treasury will call you to settle the personal income tax.