
Justyna Haluch has made a name for herself as the Zapiekanka Queen of Schiller Woods. When she first started selling zapiekanki, she tried to fancy them up with marinara sauce, but her customers were not having it. They wanted ketchup, the traditional topping for this Polish French bread pizza. So, Justyna listened to her customers and went back to the classic recipe that everyone loved.

Now, at the age of 28, she runs I Love Grill & Lemonade, a food truck and catering business that serves up Polish and American fest foods. Her truck can be found in a parking lot on Irving Park Road at the entrance to Schiller Woods-East forest preserve. She also caters outdoor weddings, parties, and festivals all over the state, showcasing her delicious offerings.

One of the highlights of Justyna’s menu is the zapiekanka XXL, a supersized version of the iconic fast food. This dish features a crusty, toasted baguette layered with sauteed mushrooms, melted cheese, green onions, and of course, a generous drizzle of sweet ketchup. Even the ketchup haters can’t resist this unique flavor combination.

Zapiekanki first appeared in Poland in the 1970s during a time of relative prosperity. They were a popular street food choice due to their affordability and filling nature. Despite economic crises and food shortages in later years, zapiekanki remained a staple in Polish cuisine. The dish has evolved over time, incorporating new ingredients and flavors to suit changing tastes.

Justyna’s dedication to preserving the traditional flavors of zapiekanki has earned her a loyal following. Her customers appreciate the authenticity and quality of her dishes, especially the meat-lovers variety featuring Polish ham, bacon, and kielbasa. She also offers fusion varieties with beef, chicken, or gyros meat for those looking to try something different.

In addition to her food truck, Justyna’s catering services allow her to bring the flavors of Poland to events and gatherings across the city. She is committed to giving back to the community and has partnered with the breast cancer charity United Colors of Pink to donate a portion of her sales to support their cause.

Overall, Justyna Haluch’s journey from experimenting with marinara sauce to becoming the Zapiekanka Queen of Schiller Woods is a testament to her passion for Polish cuisine and dedication to her craft. Her delicious offerings continue to delight customers and showcase the rich culinary heritage of Poland.