
The owner of a hotel in Washington, D.C. has agreed to enhance security measures following a series of criminal incidents at the establishment. The Attorney General’s office has reported that the Ivy City Hotel on New York Avenue NE has been a frequent site of criminal activity, including homicides, drug-related deaths, and violent incidents.

According to Assistant Deputy Attorney General Beth Mellen, the hotel has become a hotspot for criminal activity, keeping the police busy. From February 2023 to 2024, the hotel witnessed two homicides, two armed robberies, three apparent drug-related deaths, and the discovery of ghost guns and dangerous drugs like fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

One particularly tragic incident involved the murder of 31-year-old Christy Bautista from Harrisonburg, Virginia, who was stabbed to death in her hotel room while visiting D.C. for a concert. The accused killer was apprehended in the hotel’s office covered in blood shortly after the crime.

In response to these concerning events, the Attorney General’s office has announced forthcoming changes to improve security at the hotel. These include common-sense security enhancements such as increasing overnight security staff, implementing better lighting at night, and linking hotel security cameras to the Metropolitan Police Department’s Real-Time Crime Center.

The agreement between the hotel owner and the authorities will be in effect for a year, with regular inspections to ensure compliance. If the owner fails to uphold their end of the deal, legal action will be taken.

Enhancing security measures in establishments with a history of criminal activity is crucial to deterring crime and ensuring the safety of guests and visitors. By implementing these improvements, the Ivy City Hotel aims to create a safer environment for everyone who stays there.

It is essential for hotel owners and management to prioritize the safety and security of their guests by proactively addressing any potential risks or vulnerabilities on their premises. Collaborating with law enforcement agencies and implementing effective security measures can help prevent criminal incidents and protect the well-being of individuals within the community.