news 16072024 121854
news 16072024 121854

A French soldier was attacked outside the Gare de l’Est train station in Paris just days before the 2024 Summer Olympics are scheduled to begin. The soldier was injured but is expected to recover. The attacker, Christian Ingondo, has a history of legal issues and was taken to a psychiatric hospital after the incident.

Following previous terrorist attacks in Paris, Operation Sentinelle was created to increase domestic security. This operation involves thousands of soldiers and police officers who protect important sites and events like the Olympics. With the Games approaching, security measures in Paris are being heightened.

The French military is sending thousands of personnel to Paris to ensure the safety of the Olympic Games. Around 30,000 police officers will be deployed daily, with even more present during the opening ceremony. A military camp has been set up outside Paris to accommodate many of the security personnel.

The incident involving the French soldier highlights the ongoing security concerns surrounding the Paris Olympics. Despite the challenges, officials are working hard to make sure the Games are safe for everyone involved.