
LEGO Horizon Adventures, a new action-adventure game set in a world made of LEGO bricks, was announced during the Summer Game Fest showcase. The game is set to be released during the 2024 Holiday season on PlayStation 5, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Developed by Guerrilla and Studio Gobo, LEGO Horizon Adventures follows the story of Aloy, a young hero raised by a huntsman in a world populated by dinosaur-like machines.

As Aloy embarks on a quest to discover her true destiny, players will encounter challenges and mysteries inspired by the world of Horizon. Guided by a hologram of a scientist named Elisabet, Aloy must confront Helis, the leader of a group of sun worshipers, and uncover the secrets of an Ancient Evil. The game promises to take players on an epic adventure across mountains and cauldrons, all recreated in LEGO elements.

One of the unique features of LEGO Horizon Adventures is the option for two-player co-op gameplay. Players can explore the world together, without the need for split-screen, allowing for a seamless and collaborative experience. Additionally, players can customize the village of Mother’s Heart, unlocking special LEGO buildings and decorations, as well as fun outfits for their characters.

For fans of the Horizon series, Guerrilla is offering updates and news on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. To stay updated on the latest developments and to learn more about the game, you can visit the official website at Please note that console players will require an online subscription for multiplayer gameplay.

LEGO Horizon Adventures offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all ages. With its engaging story, cooperative gameplay, and creative customization options, the game is sure to be a hit during the holiday season of 2024. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to embark on an unforgettable LEGO adventure!