
Results Of New Jersey Sixth Congressional District Primary

ABERDEEN, NJ — Tuesday, June 4 was Primary Election Day in New Jersey. The U.S. presidential primary, U.S. Senate, and Congress races saw Congressman Frank Pallone, who represents NJ’s Sixth Congressional district, being challenged by John Hsu. Hsu, a climate change activist and former campaigner for Bernie Sanders NJ in 2020, positioned himself as a more liberal and progressive candidate compared to Pallone, who has deep roots in the Democratic establishment.

One of the key issues that set the candidates apart was their stance on a controversial proposed natural-gas power plant in Woodbridge, which the energy company eventually abandoned last October. This marked Hsu’s second challenge against Pallone. The winner of the Democratic primary will go on to face the Republican nominee in the November elections.

Pallone, at 72 years old, has been representing New Jersey’s Sixth Congressional District for the past 34 years, first elected to Congress in 1988. The district spans from Carteret and Woodbridge to Edison, New Brunswick, and down to Asbury Park, encompassing towns along the Raritan Bay coastline like Aberdeen, Matawan, Hazlet, and others. The polls closed at 9 p.m. on Election Day.

In the Democratic primary for U.S. President, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. secured the Monmouth County Democrats’ delegates. For the U.S. Senate, candidates included Lawrence Hamm, Andy Kim, and Patricia Campos-Medina. In the House of Representatives race, John Hsu and Frank Pallone, Jr. were the contenders for the Monmouth County Democrats.

On the Republican side, U.S. President Donald J. Trump received the endorsement of the Monmouth County Republican Organization. Delegates at-large included names like Jeff Van Drew, Allison Murphy, and others. The U.S. Senate race featured candidates like Justin Murphy, Albert Harshaw, and Christine Serrano Glassner.

The primary results set the stage for the upcoming general elections in November, where the chosen candidates will compete for their respective offices. Stay tuned for more updates on the political landscape in New Jersey.

Keywords: New Jersey, Sixth Congressional District, Primary Election, Congressman Frank Pallone, John Hsu, Democratic primary, Republican primary