CBD oil has become increasingly popular in recent times, and for good reason. But what exactly do you know about CBD oil, and why has it gained a lot of attention? If you’ve heard of the cannabis plant (and who hasn’t?), then what you should know is that CBD oil is one of the compounds which comprise the plant. But CBD oil is increasingly used by many because of its numerous beneficial properties. If you are interested in learning more about CBD oil and what it can do, here’s everything you need to know about CBD oil and how it works.

The basics: what is it?

Cannabidiol is the technical name of CBD, and as mentioned, it is a compound found in the cannabis plant. In fact, it is only one of the 104 compounds comprising the cannabis plant. CBD is found in the cannabis sativa variety of the plant.

There is a common misconception about CBD, however: some may assume that since CBD comes from the cannabis plant, it is a psychoactive compound just like another compound found in the cannabis plant, THC. But CBD is different from THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol in that it is not psychoactive at all. In other words, CBD does not make a person feel ‘high’ or ‘stoned.’

The popularity of CBD stems from the fact that many people swear by its benefits for the relief of pain as well as relief from other symptoms associated with certain conditions. Many individuals take CBD in the form of oil, and this oil is extracted from the cannabis plant and then diluted with another oil such as hemp seed or coconut oil.

What you should remember, however, is that while more and more people believe that CBD oil helps alleviate certain symptoms of different ailments, there is no sure medical claim about CBD oil. CBD oil is said to have almost the same benefits as medical cannabis, though, especially when it comes to purported relief from pain.

How it works

All the cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant can ‘attach’ themselves to different body receptors to produce specific effects. The human body has 2 total receptors for CBD and other cannabinoids, and these receptors are called CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are in the human body, but many of the receptors are in the brain. The receptors located in the brain handle a person’s movement, coordination, mood, emotions, appetite, thinking, memories, and pain. The cannabinoid THC can attach to the receptors, causing the effect of which we are all familiar.

CB2 receptors are more commonly found in a person’s immune system and are thought to have an effect on pain and inflammation. In the past, people believed that CBD acted on the CB2 receptors, but it now looks like CBD doesn’t work on either of the receptors in a direct manner. Rather, it is said to influence a person’s body so it can make use of more of its cannabinoids.

If you are interested in obtaining authentic CBD oil, many suppliers are reliable, such as CBDology.eu. It’s best to go for CBD oil which has no THC content whatsoever so you can receive the full benefits of CBD.

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