do you find that your daily shopping is become more and more expensive? Or is it becoming more difficult to comply with madbudgettet?

It may be due to the prices of selected food has increased wildly in the last five years.

We pay more and more for products, which are fixtures at most of the danes. It shows figures from Statistics Denmark, who have determined in august-the prices in the 2015 to 2019.

It may well be time to cry over spilt milk. The price is in each case increased by about a third over the past five years. It applies to all types of milk.

milk prices go up and down. Previously we have seen how the rise of chinese demand in the european milk has been to get the prices on the Danish milk to rise, says Henning Eight Hansen, who is senior adviser at the Department of Food and resource economics at Copenhagen University.

If we are in mejeriafdelingen, is the butter in the course of the past five summers has also been part more expensive. The price has risen by more than a quarter. The price of butter and fish also has increased over the past five years.

The other foods, which is experiencing the greatest percentage increase, is to be caught in the sea. In the course of the last few years the prices of fish also increased. Frozen fish costs 20 percent more than they did in 2015, while the price of fresh fish has increased by more than 13 percent.

The general boost in the prices of food come from behind on Henning Eight Hansen. In the course of the past five years, the price of food increased more than the rate of inflation, which is very unusual, sounds.

– On the long term, will food normally rise less than the rate of inflation, when you look away from the drought and food crisis, says Henning Eight Hansen.

He points to the difficult conditions of the harvest last year, as a possible reason for the general increase in prices. He therefore do not expect that food prices will continue to grow more than the rate of inflation.

Are you happy to make Italian food at home, you may have noticed that pasta is cheaper than in the past.
in contrast to the stable increase in the prices of the other foodstuffs, the prices of pasta dropped by nearly 18 percent in the period.

Henning Eight Hansen sees it as an expression of that discountkædernes own pasta is gaining more and more in. Causing the price to fall in the overall market.

– Pasta is cheap to produce. Therefore, it has become cheaper for customers, who increasingly choose the big strong brands from, says Henning Eight Hansen.

But a part of the development can also be attributed to a better harvest.

– the Price of wheat rose because of the drought last year. It has not been in years, therefore we have got a better harvest. It will rub off on the products, like pasta, where wheat is the main ingredient, says Henning Eight Hansen.

the consumer price Index is used to show the udvikllingen in the prices of the products included in the households consumption in Denmark.

the Index is calculated after the collection of about 25,000 rates from around 1800 shops, companies and institutions throughout Denmark.

the Prices of the individual goods and services included in the consumer price index with a weight based on their share of the total consumption. The total consumer price index shows the average price movements of goods and services, which are included in the household-consumption

the Index is used as the measure of inflation, but can also be used to see the development in the prices of individual products compared to the rest of the market. In order to see whether the prices of f.ex. milk is decreased or increased compared to the general price development on the products.

the Graphs in the article are based on the percentage of development from the consumer price index in august 2015 for the month of august in the following year. It is not the percentage of the inventory from year to year, but from 2015 to the specified year, therefore, start all the graphs also 0 percent.

Source: Statistics Denmark,

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