In tonight’s episode of ‘the Robinson Expedition’ packaged 29-year-old Lars Street of his stuff and said thank you for this time. He was tired of life on the island, which offered too many restrictions and too much waiting time.

But it was not the only, the muscular jute bothered with in the program. It reveals he is now over for Extra Magazine, which also has been given permission to show the violent images.

My back was ripped up. I think I was the worst besides. All the way from shoulder to shoulder, there was one large, open wound. There were crawling ants in the night, as sad and suck at the wound. Them I was going to have to keep away, and it was a pile of shit, ” says Lars Gade.

Photos are taken after he left the island. Photo: Private

the Wound occurred in connection with the competition in tonight’s title. Here, each team will designate three participants, which was to keep a rod on the back, as we know from the squats in the gym. Along the way, should the remaining participants continuously throw extra pounds on the bars in order to weaken the opposing team.

Photo: Private

And here was a big part placed on the rod belonging to Lars Street, which had 120 pounds on his back when he in The rear of the heat had to succumb, and could see his back ripped from shoulder to shoulder.

– of Course you get injuries and things, but the other said that if it was them, then they were taken home. The annoying was that I couldn’t get a bandage or something. For the mosquito net hung in it, and the shirts began to grow fast in it, as I came away from the island, ” says Lars Gade.

Photo: Private

He does not want to criticize the safety of the competition. For, as he says.

– I am sure that the security is in order.

For Ekstra Bladet says Jesper Kynde, which is programredaktør on TV3, that they are doing everything to ensure the participants ‘ safety during the expedition.

Safety is very important to us, and we gennemtester the courses within the participants need to use them, he says.

– In relation to Lars, I can say that he is participating in the challenge, and after the competition it is very hot, so that participants are sent home to their islands. On the islands they have first-aid kits, where there is gauze, and it has so been used up, when Lars come back and need it. We get organized, there will be freighted more. We are very much up in the care of the participants, when they have injuries, and we also did this with Lars. We helped him to clean the wounds, he says.

See also: Kicked out of ‘Ex on the Beach’: Why I was relieved

– When it becomes too much in such a joust? It looks very dramatic in Lars’ case?

– We respond, of course, on it. It looks out violently, and it is also a tough expedition, but it can not be avoided that the participants get the scrapes. It is an abrasion, which is healing slowly, but it is not an injury, that puts a spanner in the works of the participants on the expedition. All four (including Lars, red.) fought crazy hard and had inhuman willpower in the joust. They showed all the good ‘Robinson’-the spirit and did neither during the competition or afterwards. It is only here, where the programmes run across the screen, and Lars will be taken to his capitulation, that he regrets himself, he says, and continues:

– However, it is important to stress that we will never make a challenge that is dangerous for the participants, says programredaktøren to Ekstra Bladet.

It has not been possible for the Extra Leaf to get a comment from Linse Kessler.