In large parts of the u.s. east coast keeps you in the these days weather and keep a close eye on the weather forecasts, to come up with suggestions on how the ongoing hurricane Dorian is moving toward.

While hurricane has steamrollered over the Bahamas with strength five, which is the highest on the tornado scale, it moves slowly toward Florida, where, with the horror awaiting uvejrets fury.

Among those who find themselves in the fury of a hurricane possible route, is the Danish Charlotte Terna, which in ten years has lived in Deerfield Beach north of Miami.

She is together with her six year old daughter Samantha took to Orlando, which is located further inland. A trip that has been planned for a long time, when they wanted to visit Disney World, but in the interim the there until the hurricane is over.

– Right now we are just in a hold, where we see what happens, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

The fierce hurricane as it looked from the room earlier Monday. Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Ritzau Scanpix

Although they have moved away from the coast, it is far from in complete safety from the impending storm.

When we got back to the hotel yesterday, there was a letter on what we should do if the power goes. And even in our hotel there is a Red Cross-employees everywhere, ” says the 48-year-old Charlotte Terna.

She says that she is anxious over the uncertainty, and that she most of all is nervous about his home, located on the fourth floor out to the coast.

She is trying to preserve the calm for the sake of her daughter.

– I have told her, why we can’t take home right now. I do not think there is any reason to show her that I’m nervous, she says.

See also: Extreme hurricane get Norwegian to cancel the Danish departures

Around the city, threatening the hurricane, however, left its mark.

Thus there will be in the shops and in filling stations hoarded special water and petrol, as well as all goods that can keep without a refrigerator in the case that the flow should go.

– You feel a very strange atmosphere around people. Usually, the people are very friendly and think about others, but in such a situation here, one can feel that people are thinking about themselves and their families first. Which is understandable enough, says Charlotte Terna.

– It is a little scary feeling. There is chaos in all outlets, where you can get water or gasoline, ” she says.

112 – 1. sep. 2019 – at. 19:12 Crazy video: Here hits record-hurricane

Dorian hit the Bahamas with a tougher strength than earlier measured and at the same time slowing vejrsystemet almost up, and ravaged the a. Although the strength on Monday afternoon Danish time is dropped to level four, can the hurricane cause great havoc in Florida and the other east states, if not the hurricane moves farther east or lose strength.

– We keep the sensors out, and then we take back to the hotel later in the day and keep an eye on what is happening, it sounds from the Danish Charlotte.