President of the Liberal Alliance Alex Vanopslagh will have the minister for employment Peter Hummelgaard (S) in consultation. It informs, after bagagemedarbejdere from SAS on Wednesday organised for the third time this month.

– Peter Hummelgaard have a responsibility as a minister. There must not be any doubt as to whether the minister of employment believes that it must be the 3F’s junglelov or Danish law, which should prevail in the workplace, says Alex Vanopslagh to Ekstra Bladet.

According to the SAS due to the illegal strikes, that an engineer, who is employed in a four-month temporary position, refusing to bow to his fellow members ‘ requirement to be organized in the same union as them, namely, 3F.

In an audio recording from 23. July, as the Telegraph is in possession of, showing two men threatening behavior against the employee concerned, because he refuses to join in 3F. One of the men says in the recording that he is the national vice-president.

‘All the crap you can shove up your ass. I’m pisseligeglad. Now I tell you that you must be a member’, says the vice-president, as the engineer informs him that everyone has the right to freely fagforeningsvalg.

‘You corrects you after our act out here. Have you never heard of the law called the law of the jungle?’, he continues.

‘Add, where are you clammy, man’, exclaimed the second man at the end of the conversation.

By Peter Hummelgaard, in consultation hope Vanopslagh, to the minister of employment will take the distance from the 3F-members ‘ behavior.

– It is a well-known case, to the minister of employment has close relations to 3F Kastrup and bagagemedarbejderne in Kastrup Airport, says Vanopslagh.

the minister of Employment should therefore clearly take distance, to think the liberal party leader. And then he should examine whether it is a general challenge to the danes ‘ right to freely choose the trade union is not adequately protected.

– It is not the first time you hear about colleagues who are being terrorized by 3F’s, because they have chosen another union. There are generally many instances, the behaving inappropriately, he says.

Alex Vanopslagh also find that the management in the 3F has a responsibility.

– I think the case is quite intolerable. We have a constitutional right to be free to choose the trade union organization. And so, here we have one of the country’s largest trade unions, which goes against the law, he says.

– It could be fine, if the management in the 3F could knock their members in place and say they must behave properly and comply with Danish legislation.

Alex Vanopslagh are concerned about the right to choose freely the trade union is protected.

– This suggests it is in any case not that it is in the Airport, he says.

minister for Employment Peter Hummelgaard writes in an email via his press contact to Ekstra Bladet, that he can’t go into the specific case.

‘It is some wild and unobjective prosecutor, as the opposition have thrown after me in the day solely because of my upbringing and attachment to the unskilled workers at the airport in Copenhagen,’ he writes.

‘Let it be beaten fixed, cast in stone. As minister, I can’t go into a specific, professional case. I would like to emphasise, however, that it is up to the individual where you want to be a member, and it is completely and utterly unacceptable with threats and coercion,’ he concludes.