In the evening dragons ‘Luksusfælden’ to Horsens, where the programme of experts meetings Ravna and Eric, who dreams to buy a house together.

eric’s huge tax debts ranging, however, the legs for them. He owes the state 149.000 crowns, because he, by his own admission has not had the opportunity to pay child support for a longer period of time.

the Debt means that it is impossible for Ravna and Eric to borrow money for a house purchase. Instead they spend large amounts of money on concerts, fast food and their two cats, Tjalfe and Røskva.

– It is as if just as soon as it is mentioned, that the debt is for taxes, so it is a big, red flag, and then they will have nothing to do with us, explains to a distraught Eric on the couple’s attempt to borrow money.

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the Experts is, fortunately, barely stepped through the door, before they see an opportunity to get dropped a good dollop of the debt. Eric’s mother has given the pair the 12,000 crowns, so they can take on a four-day trip to the copenhagen based metal festival Copenhell’.

The money could properly be used to pay the state back, instead, believe the experts.

Ravna and Eric refuses, however. The pair believe it is unethical to spend the money on the debt, because it is a gift. It beats therefore quickly sparks between them and the experts.

Eric and Ravna spend their money on concerts with screeching guitars and heavy thread. Photo: TV3

– May I just ask, why the hell are you called after us, sounding it at last desperate from expert Jan Swyrtz.

See also: Madness in ‘Luksusfælden’: Lost of 85,000 in four days

– For us, it was big problem an overview of the tax liability, explains Eric.

It becomes too much for the experienced expert.

We’re going to come damn to help you, but we are going kraftedeme not to tell you what your tax liability is, he states.

the Experts ‘ direct manner does not fall in good soil with Ravna.

– They are some arrogant narrøve, who does not try to put themselves into our situation, she says.

See how it goes the couple in tonight’s episode of ‘Luksusfælden’ when the program rolls over the screen at 20: 00 on TV3.