There are signs of trouble in ‘Ex on the Beach’.

the Program that was previously known for the merry young people with a penchant for lagengymnastik and good tv-moments has been a sluggish start, which are reminiscent of competitor’s realitypendant ‘Paradise Hotel’.

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But soon that may change. For there is good chemistry between the participants René and Tessie, or it considers René in each case. Tessie has on several occasions tried to explain to him that she doesn’t feel a bit for him, but nothing seeps in.

– There is a reason that she cries, but she will not admit, that we have nothing, ” says René in the evening section.

– I have it really good with you, and I’m really happy for you, ” he says directly addressed to Tessie.

Outside, however, to get the anticipated reaction.

– I’m not very good with that René has said that he has been happy for me. But I reciprocate not the feelings, René, he has, so it is an uncomfortable and awkward conversation to have.

René is sitting in the scissors in the ‘Ex on the Beach’. Photo: Aleksander Klug

Meanwhile, a deeply in love with René, and refuses to realize which the spider’s web he is trapped in.

– It is not super cool to be rejected by Tessie, but I can’t find out about it is because she does not want to, or because she is afraid to be hurt, he says, while Tessie finds.

– He must find another to be happy.

however, It is cozy with a puttemakker, so, Tessie, of course, René back and lets him sleep with him. And it is only the beginning for the arms of René.

– What I need to do to prove to Tessie, that I would like to her, it is clear that let be to lie down and snuggle with the other and let the be with to kiss around with others and be there to talk about, that I just have to have something ham. It does not work, says the young man, who clearly can’t understand a hint.

Tessie Skovly. Photo: Janus Nielsen

‘Ex on the Beach’ can be seen Sunday-Tuesday on Channel 4 and on the streaming service dplay.