The north trubadur Ib Grønbech, who is back with a new album after the illness and provided 12 years of pladepause, says to Ekstra Bladet, that he is in possession of a very special souvenir from one of his great idols.

It is about nothing less than the deceased countrymusiker Johnny Cash’ personal garden hose, which Grønbech stole deliberately during a trip to Nashville.

– I was in Nashville about 25 years ago. I had been invited over by a record label, because Teddy Edelmann should record a countryplade. I have a little sense of technique and stuff, and then I came with, so I could help with a little overview and input, ” says Grønbech on arbejdsopholdet and continues:

– It went really well with the recording, and then we were of course around and look at the different music sites – in other words, all the ‘Hall of Fame’ and what the hell else it’s called. It is actually quite amazing to see.

See also: Danish hitmusiker back after 12 year break

– But then there was a day when we seem, we had come a long way, and so we agreed that we would around and look, where all the stars lived. And we had to come and look at Dolly parton’s house, and by Roy Orbinsons house.

Here is the garden hose, as Grønbech stole from the Cash. Private

When they get to Johhny Cash’ house could Grønbech’t keep his long fingers in the ro.

– Then we come to the house, where Johhny Cash lived, and in fact, I think he was in Denmark at that time. I thought: ‘I shall also have something to take home from here’, but there was some gardeners around out in the garden, so I did not think really, I could get to steal something, ” says Grønbech

– But at some point they were gone – perhaps held the pause. As it was, I saw a piece of garden hose that stuck out from under a fence, and so I went and asked the taxi driver if he had a knife I could borrow. He said that it drove he always around with, and so I borrowed it and cut a piece of garden hose of which such a kind of souvenir, admits Grønbech.

Ib Grønbech is not afraid to admit his bizarre theft from the american music icon. Pr photo

the garden Hose, he has the pass well, but the other ‘swag’ from Nasville-the expedition has long since disappeared.

– I also stole something from the other places – some rocks and leaves and such from the various driveways – but I have gradually thrown away. I don’t want to go and save on some of the stones from Dolly parton’s driveway and the sort, but the garden hose, the I still.

Yodel Birge & Ib Grønbech got a large, single hit with ‘Peter lay in the tent’.