In a small alley to the pedestrian zone in Vordingborg is Café Einstein. Here the talk since Wednesday morning focused on a particular one particular thing – the empty tents for the refugees at the barracks.

Here since the late summer of 2015 been ready to receive refugees, which just never arrived. The camp has never been in use, as the Extra Magazine earlier on Wednesday be able to report.

See also: Camp without a refugee: Price 20 million.

the position is Therefore not to be in doubt of either young or old in the town square. A deserted camp to several million dollars per year is money directly out the window, sounds unanimously by the citizens, as the Extra Leaf meet on the street.

Sanne Johnsen, 70 years old, the café-owner

– What are you thinking about that one for four years now has been an empty tent standing at a cost of 20.9 million dollars?

– It is appalling, and we have discussed it throughout the morning. They have spent several million on the year, and I simply do not understand. They have spent so much money on heating their tents, even though nobody had the benefit of them.

– What should you instead to do with the camps?

– The need away, or you have to find out how you can use it. Have you even thought the thought, there will be no refugees. It can’t be true, and we are very bored of it here in Vordingborg.

Stefania Kosowska, 18 years, student at Le Luma

– I think that it is a mess. The tents should not just stand there. I have been told that the homeless were denied access at a time, because there should be space for the refugees who never came. It can’t be true, that the tents should stand there empty, when people without a home does not have to be there.

– You would like to keep the camp, says justice minister Nick Hækkerup. What do you think of it?

– I don’t think That is in order. The camp has been redundant for so many years. I can well see that it is nice to have in an emergency, but it is a lot of money, we are talking about.

Tomorrows Larsen, 61 years old, owner of the Book and the Idea

– It seems the a little misplaced, to the tents located there and has been there for so long. You ought to have saddled on, if you do not have a need for them. It is an expensive seat reservation of available rooms that are empty and have been empty for a long time.

– the Minister of justice will use 4.5 million dollars per year to maintain the camp. Is the money well spent?

– I think rather that he should turn it into a kind of bed and breakfast, so we could get a little more tourists to the city. It was perhaps more obvious, there is so much lack of night accommodation in the city.

Left: Tom camp has kept the refugees away

According to the Liberal party udlændingeordfører have abandoned refugee camp to the million sent a powerful signal.

Mads Fuglede think, therefore, that there is reason to shut down the deserted camp with the first.

– If I did not have an expectation that there were several refugees here, so we were a place where one must consider whether it is necessary to have it anymore, But there are so many easing on the way from the government, so it can be silly to close it now. It may be that we will need it,he says.

– I ran a quite restrictive immigration policy, while In was in government, where there was not a single resident of the camp. Why would it exist in all the four years?

– I think, that you have to assess, that it was also the part of the restrictive refugee policy. I do not think that people have the desire to stay in tented camps, if they can stay in other places.

– So the idea has been to send a signal that if you will come, so you should expect to stay in a tent?

– Yes, it has also been a part of it.

– But you can’t understand, if someone thinks that it is baroque to have costs for some of the tents are empty and some washing machines that are not running?

– Yes, but we have had a period where we have been very uncertain as to when and how we got track of the influx. We did so eventually, but there is now someone who is gone in time to screw up in the gene. So it may well be that the becomes necessary.

But the camp must well not be there for time and eternity?

– No, it should not. We should have a government that believes seriously that we must have to keep track of the influx to Denmark. If we can get them to stamp into their own policy again, then it will also be logical to remove the tent camp.

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See also: Minister will not close the unused refugee camp for 20 million