The 56-year-old woman, Victoria Thomas Frabutt from the state of North Carolina in the UNITED states was on Tuesday morning arrested and charged with having cut off the penis of her 61-year-old husband, James Frabutt. She is also charged with kidnapping, because she before its bloody action bind her husband with ropes, before she with a knife cut off the penis of him.

the Motive for the incredible crime is, however, still unclear.

It writes several media outlets including the Washington Times and Newsweek,

And the police in Carteret County has also posted a notice on their Facebook about the matter:

Kriminalkommisæren Jason Wank has to the media, explained that officers from the Carteret County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint from an address on Murdoch Road in the town of Newport, just before the bell 04.00 on the night.

the Victim was immediately transported to the nearby hospital Vidant Medical Center in Greenville.

In the house itself, where the crime took place, succeeded fortunately for the ushers to find the cut penis, the same was put on ice. It was also transported to the same hospital in a hope that, perhaps, it can be sewn on again.

The 61-year-old James Frabutts condition is still unknown.

His wife was arrested Tuesday and is inserted in the prison in Carteret County. Today she has been produced in court.