Prime minister Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend the british parliament in five weeks is illegal.

this is the sound of a ruling by the supreme court in Scotland.

But the court has not required the decision to repatriate the british lawmakers repealed. However, asking the british to the supreme court to take the final decision.

If it goes against Johnson, it can have very serious consequences for him. For he can be accused of having given the queen Elizabeth false information, when she approved to send the legislators home.

it Happens, don Johnson probably resign, reports the BBC.

the Politicians were sent home on Monday. They must first get back 14. October. If nothing else is agreed, enters the british out of the EU 31. October.

Johnson reiterated on Wednesday that he will continue to insist that the so-called backstop is removed from an agreement with the EU.

the Backstop will be removed, I really hope the very. I insist, since it is the only way a deal is possible, says the prime minister in a video on Facebook.

– It is crucial which you must understand is that we will not accept a backstop, only applies to northern Ireland. It does not work for Britain, he says and stresses that he is sure that it is possible to find a solution.

He also reiterates his pledge that the Uk will leave the EU with or without an agreement 31. October.

Jonna Cherry from The Scottish Nationalparti say to the tv station Sky, that she wants the british parliament reconvened.

– You can’t break the law with impunity, Boris Johnson. The rule of law will be enforced by Scotland’s courts. The same, I hope that the supreme court of the united kingdom do, she says.

Labour’s brexit-rapporteur Keir Starmer, believes that no one in their right mind have believed in Johnson’s explanation on why members of parliament are sent home.

– I would urge the prime minister to immediately convene parliament to debate this decision, and what shall be hereafter, he writes on Twitter.

Johnson’s office informs that he will appeal the scottish court’s decision to the supreme court. The government’s appeal will be commenced Tuesday next week.