the Management at Sct. Hans Hospital in Roskilde, regrets, now, that it succeeded in the dangerous domsanbragte Ambrose Makabala, 34, to escape, when he was allowed to run a trip on the hospital terrain.

He sat otherwise on the third year in a closed retspsykiatrisk department after a conviction for three hjemmerøverier, where he according to the judgment, was the insanity plea.

During the flight, which lasted from 4. september 11. October last year, committed Ambrose Makabala two serious rapes against young women in the suburbs of Brønshøj and Odense with 11-day intervals.

on Monday, the sentence of the Court of Frederiksberg Ambrose Makabala custody for an indefinite time. Custody is a term of imprisonment, which can only be released when the court deems that the offender is no longer dangerous.

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Ambrose Makabala, 34, got the freedom of a run on the Sct. His but stack of and raped two women during his five-week-long escape. Politifoto

A new mentalundersøgelse showed that he is no longer insane, but has a dangerous and disturbed personality which makes that there is a great risk that he will commit new personfarlige crimes.

Therefore, Retslægerådet that custody is necessary and the declared nævningetinget agree. Ambrose Makabala has appealed against the judgment of acquittal because he claims that the women voluntarily had sexual intercourse with him.

See also: Escaped robber raped the woman with the knife for the throat: – You need to die

the clinical supervisor at the retspsykiatrisk department at Sct. His, Thomas Schütze, says to Ekstra Bladet:

– This is some very tragic cases which have occurred, and I and the employees involved are bored of it on the victims ‘ behalf. However, we can’t go into the case without going into patientsagen, and we should not, because of the secrecy.

in General, says head of the clinic, to retspsykiatriske patients are udsluset know that they are gradually given freedom in different frames.

– It can happen, for example, by accompanied of the year in x number of hours. But when a patient does not live up to the agreement we have signed with them and run away, so we’ve made a misjudgment, says Thomas Schütze.

– in Addition, I can say that for the sake of employee safety have the instructions that our staff should not physically try to detain patients, if they try to run away during the accompanied of the year, says the head of the clinic.

According to the Middle – and West zealand police sample daily report com the notification on the escape at. 20.42, about eight hours after Ambrose Makabala scuttled by 12-time.

The information can Sct. His not recognize: – from our journaloplysninger went there about an hour from that we were sure that there was a flight, we notified it to the police, saying Thomas Schütze.