The Danish rapper Oliver Kesi has in his own words ‘been much in the city’.

he got beaten real in the city court of Copenhagen, when he had to testify in a bloody deadliest single targeted killing, where a younger male guest at a copenhagen nightclub was badly beaten and was unconscious. A former employee at the nightclub, is accused in the case. He refuses guilty.

– Yes, it is something worse something, but that’s how it is, said the rapper to the Extra Blade, before he had to check and witness.

When he had sat in the witness box in court asked the prosecutor Søren Harbo him, what he could remember from that episode:

– of course It is a nice piece of time ago, but I remember that the injured party was reasonable away at one point or another, explained Oliver Kesi, on the other male guest, who was the centre of the case, and as he consistently referred to as the ‘aggrieved’.

the Rapper had not even consumed alcohol that evening, after an operation on stemmelæben, he told.

He knows the now the defendants in the case, when he has ‘met with him repeatedly from the copenhagen nightlife,’ he said, and added:

– But we are not friends.

the Musician, who among other things is known for the hit single ‘Sleepless’, found themselves at the nightclub, when he attended a birthday party that was held together with some Swedish girls. He fell accidentally into conversation with the two now former employees from the nightclub, but quickly became a younger male guest a part of the talk:

– I do not know who the victim is, but he popped up out of the blue and stood by the side of the us. I thought he seemed fair ‘smasket’. One could not avoid noticing him, for he was a fairly robust guy. He seemed aggressive and threatening, said the rapper in court.

He described the defendants in the case and the aggrieved at a time – with rapperens words – ‘spinnede around’ and walked toward the rear entrance, where he followed after.

– When I came out, I could see that the accused and victim held on to each other. So I tried to get him away, explained the rapper.

He also said that he tried to separate the two ad. 30 seconds after came two guards, and he was told to leave the backyard.

In this context, although Oliver Kesi blood on his jacket. It was part of the reason why he initially was charged in the case. The charges lapsed, however, shortly after.

The accused’s defense attorney, Nima Nabipour, showed off pictures of Oliver Kesis hands, which was photographed just after the incident. In the picture considered by the defence counsel that there was evidence of swelling after the supposed battle.

– you Have often raised hands, asked Nima Nabipour Oliver Kesi on.

– So now I go to the boxing, so yes, it can, I ha’ told the rapper, who had to up and show his hands to the judge.

After the display of the ten fingers was the questioning of the rapper in court over.

the Judge assured the 27-year-old musician that he could get 80 kronor as compensation for loss of earnings for the evidence in court.

– Fat, replicerede Nørrebro rapper and slipped out the door.

The victim, the younger male guest, had received serious injuries, when the police came to the spot. He lost consciousness, coughed up blood and had to have life-saving first aid from the police, to the ambulance arrived.

the Case continues next week with the verdict later that month.