the Reason that the Danish people’s Party was halved at the general election, is in a high degree, that the Danish people’s Party went into government four years earlier. It is one of the evalueringspunkter that have come out of Kristian Thulesen Dahl’s touring around in the backcountry. It tells the DF-the president in a optaktsinterview to the newspaper Denmark up to the party’s national convention at the weekend. He affirms that the Danish people’s Party for the future will always go after to get in the government, if there is a blue majority. And it is subordinate to the party’s size.

In three weeks, Kristian Thulesen Dahl traveled around the country to meet with the party’s base of support. Together, they have digested it completely through the miserable election result, the party ended back in June. To the newspaper Denmark he tells, what they have achieved. Especially one thing is gone over again at the meetings:

– We should have gone into government in 2015, says Kristian Thulesen Dahl to the newspaper, Denmark.

– My realization is that a party with a strong popular mandate in the voters ‘ eyes end of the united states. And do I buy the premise. I can see today, says Kristian Thulesen Dahl, who believe that the party was punished for this by-election three months ago.

– the Consequence was, that we were seen as a party that would not take the ultimate responsibility, because there is a lack of logic in that a party which got over 21 percent of the votes, not part of the government, if they otherwise are part of the majority.

Kristian Thulesen Dahl’s assessment then and now is that the Left is not desired to close the Danish people’s Party into government, but at the same time, he admits, also, that he even gave up quickly.

– We are challenged it is not enough. We should have had more patience and ice in the stomach in relation to get hammered ourselves with in the government, says Kristian Thulesen Dahl to the newspaper, Denmark – knowing that he can’t be sure that is in the stomach would have changed the outcome.

– we Had completely different show challenged the Left, and we should perhaps have negotiated for months, so it was possibly ended up that we were in government, and it was not, then it was certainly obvious that it was, because the Left would not it.

the Danish people’s Party disappointed so voters in 2015 and was punished for it in 2019. Now waiting for the clean-up operation. Trust must be rebuilt, and it comes according to Kristian Thulesen Dahl to require a reorientation of the party.

– It means that in the future we will have to make it clear that we will be a lot, as if there is a bourgeois majority, again, will be ready to go in the government, and so it will not be hooked up on a particular support. So, it becomes only konditionerne and the negotiations that will determine whether we end up there or not, the ends DF-the president to the newspaper, Denmark.