Sunday morning will be several major streets in Copenhagen cordoned off, and the pavements are densely populated. From here, spectators can witness an historic event. If all is well to label the flaps.

it can go both ways, when the kenyan world champion in the half marathon, Geoffrey Kamworor, initiates an attack on the world record in the discipline.

he at the Copenhagen Half Marathon, which for the first time in its lifetime has reached deltagerloftet of 25,000 runners.

Kenyan Danial Kipchumba won at lords last year. Photo: Jens Dresling

the Majority are obviously amateurs, who want to try their strength with the well 21 kilometers to get an experience and maybe even pass a test of strength.

The popular event in the Danish capital is in a few years become a big tilløbssstykke, however, not only appeals to them, which runs against himself or herself or for hyggens sake. The reason is straightforward. It tells løbeekspert and former eliteløber, Henry Jim, to Ekstra Bladet.

– All in the world, which cares for the races, are aware that there is a fast half marathon in Copenhagen, he says.

– There is a real chance that there can be set the world record. The last four years, during some very fast vindertider, and it is something that spreads in the media. So people are aware that there is a race in Copenhagen, where there is always a quick vindertid, says the expert.

In the year is expected the winner to be kenyan Kamworor. He is triple world champion in the half marathon and won his last WORLD title in Valencia in 2018.

the Dutch Sifan Hassan won and set a european record in the women in 2018. Photo: Jens Dresling

But what is there really to that the limit on 58 minutes and 18 seconds, which is the current world record (Abraham Kiptum, 2018), gets broken? In addition to the kilometers-times of 2 minutes and 46 seconds …

First and foremost, and should the weather be good. It means so very much. We have a fast route, and we have a world champion on the half marathon-the distance in kenyan Kamworor. If he hits the day, so he has a fifty-fifty-chance to set the world record, assess Them.

the Expert backed up by last year’s Danish champion at the distance, Thijs Nijhuis, who see it as an advantage to favoritværdigheden so unique lies with a single person in years.

– In the years we have become ‘the big shot’ (Kamworor, red.) into as a participant. The danger is, if he quickly comes to isolate themselves. It is something else to run the last 6-8 miles alone without the pressure rather than to be hunted down, says Nijhuis to Ekstra Bladet.

Kenyan Joan Chelimo Melly was storfavoritten in 2018, but he was only number three. Photo: Jens Dresling

in the Past, has Copenhagen Half had a wide range of big names that could fight for the victory, but this year, there is a clear storfavorit. World champion Kamworor should almost go cold or run wrong in order not to win.

Keeps the the prognosis connectors, will vindertiden probably not be negatively affected by the tactical game, which can occur if the actors in the leading group for example, and lurking on each other. That year is one big favorite, can be opskiften at a world record.

– It is without a doubt the way to do it. I think that it is a deliberate strategy by the organizers. Ideally, this would perhaps just have been an additional man, in addition to Kamworor, who could fight for the victory, says Nijhuis.

The 26-year-old DM-the king of Sunday even make the start to defend his title, has a radical amendment ready, if you want to make the run even faster.

– I think that route will be faster, if you run the opposite. There always used to get a stiff gale directly in the pan on a when you run down at Kalvebod Brygge. So I lurk on, if you are not able to reverse the route with the advantage, he says.

the fifth edition of The Copenhagen Half Marathon kicks off Sunday at 11.15.

People give themselves fully. Photo: Jens Dresling

Three good advice from the Danish champion Thijs Nijhuis:

have a plan for race day. Please be aware, when you intend to eat breakfast, when to wake up, and whether you want to take the bike or the bus to the launch pad. By putting a plan early, you do not need to use effort or energy on it during the day.

– Træningsmæssigt you can pick up exactly zero percent of the last days. What you can do, is to have slept, eaten and laid a plan. Regardless of what level you have, is it going to hurt if you run up to his best. Make sure to eat normally, but if the choice is between a big steak and a portion of the paste, then select paste. Do you want to eat some candy or drink a cola, you just need to do it.

– Once the race has started, it may be wise to keep a little in the beginning. For most products, a half marathon more than an hour, so you must dispose of the forces. Ran the first 20 minutes a bit quieter. For example, 3-4 seconds slower per. kilometers. So, one can then notice the after and quietly run up. Are you the type who would like to die with your shoes on, it’s just to take the chance. It is good to have a solid level, but in return overpræsterer you never know just have to bet on the guarantee. But one must be sure to be in shape in order to assess whether it is the chance worth betting.

See also: Young kenyaner tryner compatriots in Copenhagen with record