It is a pure tilståelsessag, when Kristian Thulesen Dahl after a walk around (behind)the country now recognises that the Danish people’s Party should have put everything into to get into government in 2015.

It takes Extra Magazine’s political analyst Hans Engell.

– It was a big mistake, that the Danish people’s Party not fought harder to get in the government when they had the opportunity, and it has Kristian Thulesen Dahl realized. What he says now, is a pure tilståelsessag, but it is also very, very late self-discovery, sounds Engells assessment.

At the last elections in June went to the Danish people’s Party from being the biggest bourgeois party at the Palace to be slaughtered by the voters, and waving goodbye to 21 seats.

the Danish policy – 12. sep. 2019 – at. 22:08 Tulle acknowledge that: A mistake not to go into government

– It, Thulesen Dahl was on at the time, turned out to be a mistake. And of course it was, say, Added the Magazine’s political analyst Hans Engell. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix.

But why did it go so wrong? The president Thulesen Dahl asked himself and the party’s support base, as he the past three weeks has traveled the country to visit.

And the answer is clear:

– We should have gone into government in 2015, says Kristian Thulesen Dahl to the newspaper, Denmark.

Back in 2015, thought Kristian Thulesen Dahl, that the party would have greater impact as it. But, he says today:

– the Consequence was, that we were seen as a party that would not take the ultimate responsibility, because there is a lack of logic in that a party which got over 21 percent of the votes, not part of the government, if they otherwise are part of the majority.

For His Engell came the result at the elections in June as no surprise.

– It, Thulesen Dahl was on at the time, turned out to be a mistake. And of course it was it. You always get more influence by going into government than by standing outside.

But it was not only, therefore, that the party lost 21 seats. The voters had a very hard time to see what the line in the Danish people’s Party was. Collaborated party with Mette Frederiksen or Lars Løkke?, he says.

the Policy of Internal trouble in the DF: a Beating for Tulle

It is no coincidence that Kristian Thulesen Dahl’s announcement comes now. According to Hans Engell due to the timing, among other things, to the Left soon to choose a new president.

– It is a clear warning to Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, who stand to be the Liberal party’s next president. He must not expect to be able to form even a pure V-government. The Danish people’s Party have been the wiser, says.

– Is it realistic that the Danish people’s Party again the largest bourgeois party in parliament and thus can put the trump card on such a threat?

– No, it is not. DF’s meltdown is the biggest political meltdown in many years. The mandates hiver the not just the home again. It will be hard work, and the party should think about, says Hans Engell.

Policy Engell: Came on the track, Tulle

Valg19 – 12. jun. 2019 – at. 13:32 After katastrofevalg: Here is DF’s new board of directors