Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, says that he later this month will speak with the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, about a possible purchase of u.s. Patriot missiles.

He says, that the UNITED states is unlikely to punish Turkey for having purchased an advanced Russian raketsystem.

the Purchase in July of the Russian S-400-raketsystem has increased the prospect that the UNITED states and allies in Europe will hit the Nato-allied Turkey with sanctions.

The u.s. state department has previously stated that an offer to Turkey to buy the Patriot rockets are expired.

But Erdogan says to Reuters that he in a telephone conversation with the Trump two weeks ago has discussed just a purchase of the Patriot-rockets. The two will talk further about it, when later in the month meet at the UN general Assembly in New York.

I said, no matter how many boxes with S-400, we get, so we can of you buy a certain number of Patriot rockets, says Erdogan on the telephone conversation.

– He said: ‘do you Mean it seriously,’ and I said ‘Yes’.

After the acquisition of the very advanced Russian luftværnssystem, the UNITED states has announced that it will throw the Turkey out of the collaboration to develop the new fighter aircraft the F-35.

at the same time, Turkey has been told that it can no longer buy the F-35.

Erdogan says he can hardly believe that the UNITED states intends to punish Turkey.

the Patriot system and the S-400 be used to shoot down attacking aircraft or rockets.