North korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, attended on Tuesday a prøveaffyring of a new raketsystem.

It informs the north Korean statsmedie KCNA, which has released pictures of Kim Jong-un, while he observes the new weapon system.

– Two rounds with prøveaffyring took place, says the north Korean statsmedie according to Reuters.

the News of prøveaffyringerne is consistent with information from the south Korean military, which has reported on the firing of the ‘unidentified projectiles’ in the direction of The Japanese Sea.


The south Korean military has not given further details about the type of weapon or projektilernes level and distance travelled.

Kim Jong-un is the north Korean statsmedie excited about våbensystemet, which is described as a ‘superstort multiraketsystem’.

– It provides the opportunity to decide the next step in the efforts to complete the våbensystemet, he says, and indicates, therefore, that there will be more tests.

Kim Jong-un attended the affyringerne in company with several of the country’s topgeneraler.


the UNITED states is trying to get north Korea to disarm and abandon efforts to become a nuclear power. President of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, however, has said that prøveaffyring of conventional weapons do not pose a problem for the two countries ‘ relationship.

Since a summit in February in Hanoi, Vietnam between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, the two countries have not had formal talks on the nuclear program.

In June, Trump and Kim Jong-un on a short meeting in the demilitarized zone between North and south Korea agreed to restart the negotiations on the disarmament on The Korean Peninsula, but it has not happened yet.

Since the meeting between the two leaders of north Korea made at least eight firings of the missiles, writes Reuters.