the Social democrats is smoked in open conflict with the government it SF.
During today’s åbningsdebat in the Danish Parliament have SF’s chairman, Jacob Mark, aired his dissatisfaction with the government’s demand when it comes to minimumsnomeringer in dagsinstitutionerne. The dispute is simply about how many grow that must fit the Danish children.
– There are studies that show that an average of an hour a day alone with a family of 17 children, said the SF’s group chairman Jacom Mark, continued:
– You might very well have put the money to normeringer, even if you’re not a big fan of minimumsnormeringer. The social democrats had a proposal before the election, where you said ‘always the children’, where you are actually even suggested to put the money to normeringer.
– So is it not a little crooked, that presents a finanslovsudspil, where there is not a single penny to normeringer in vuggestuerne and kindergartens?
During the political rapporteur, Jesper Petersen, explains that it is the objective to get introduced minimumsnormeringer by 2025, but he will not promise anything.
– I think it has been a somewhat overlooked topic in fact. We are in the forståelsespapiret agreed that we are going to introduce minimumsnormeringer.
– we must of course discuss. There are funds in the budget bill, but there is come many want. I am sure that the minister of finance has taken note of the amount (500 million), and then discussions must start from there, came the answer from Jesper Petersen from the Parliamentary rostrum.
Minimumsnormeringerne demonstrated by the forståelsespapir, as the Social democratic party has prepared, together with the Radical Left, Enhedslisten and SF, but is not mentioned in the government’s finanslovspil.
It is not the first time that the government finanslovsudspil brings them on the edge with their supporting parties. Earlier in the day was co-rapporteurs from all three supporting parties and criticise government savings on private and consulates.
The most violent critical came from the Radical Liberal party, Sofie Carsten Nielsen.
– It here to die. It is absolutely inadmissible, says Sofie Carsten Nielsen for the Berlingske tidende, and continues:
– We will not be with it, it is indeed a big saving on schools, and we think that we had a clear understanding that there should be saved at either training or school.
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