The Police are present on the Fiskebækvej in Pontypridd, where a person has been run down. A young man has been run over, and was

– A young man has been påkørt, and he is in critical condition. He is on the road to copenhagen university hospital’s trauma center, says vagtchefen for the north Zealand Police.

Police are now investigating the scene of the crime.

– We can not talk with the young man because of his condition, and the woman who brought the car is deeply shocked. So instead, we must go ‘undersøgelsesvejen’ to find out what is happening. There are dogs on the road, say vagtchefen.

Photo: Kenneth Mayer

Photo: Kenneth Mayer

Photo: Kenneth Mayer

Photo: Kenneth Mayer

Police investigating the railway and the Pontypridd station close to ulykkesområdet. There is therefore a set of rail replacement buses into P-togsstrækningen between Farum and the Team. It writes the DSB in a tweet.

