Britta Nielsen has been far more subtle than first thought.

so Far classified documents from the Attorney and the accounting firm PwC reveals that Britta Nielsen not only managed to lace up colleagues, managers and the beneficiaries. Also the government watchdog the national audit Office, on behalf of Parliament, must ensure that public resources are used legally and effectively, in the much led behind the lystet.

In the documents, there has been released this week, it appears that Britta Nielsen was to pick out the cases that had to be pulled out of the tilskudsadministrationssystemet (TAS) and some of The auditor general:

‘BN (Britta Nielsen, ed.) is also the person to contact in connection with Rigsrevisionens annual inspections and are including for the preparation of papers and lists, as demanded by The auditor general. In addition, select BN the representative cases drawn from the TAS and subsequently submitted to the Office of the auditor general for review.’

the Attorney general considers it in the light of a review of Britta Nielsen’s email account, that Britta has deliberately tried to lace the Office of the auditor general:

‘in Addition, it shows mailgennemgangen also for this period that the BN’s (Britta Nielsen, ed.) work with the Office of the auditor general has been very significant, and that she probably consciously took upon himself the tasks that made her able to hide information, we are able to verify this.’

the Attorney general will then also with an example of an email, Britta sends the 3. October 2015 to an employee of the national board of social services, where she points out that she personally will take the check on a Saturday in order to prepare the cases to the Office of the auditor general.

Here is the email Britta writes to a colleague. Photo: Attorney

According to an expert in cases on economic crime and the holder of the, Jacob Dedenroth Bernhoft, then witnesses the new information on a large mismanagement.

– It is quite obvious that it is not a smart way to do it. She sits as a caseworker and provides in addition, even the cases that should be checked – and if you want to cheat, it’s obvious not to get his own affairs in the spotlight.

– So it is a clear error in the control system. Lack of a chef, goes in and looks whether it is here looks reasonable, and approve such list, the matters that need to be taken out. They should not put an employee, who even have cases that can be checked, for, he says.

Britta Nielsen’s big hoax to 117 million dollars starts to seriously crumble, as she late in the summer of 2018 must sygemelde themselves. It means that she no longer can be sure to have the contact with the beneficiaries – and not least Rigsrevisonen.

In the report from PwC, one can see that Britta writes the following email to a colleague 12. september 2018 and ask for a visit from The auditor general, as she normally takes care of:

Britta Nielsen asks in an email how it went with the Office of the auditor general. Photo: PwC

his Colleague responds back that it went fine, but it was a stacked period. A few days after detected the fraud and Britta fleeing to south Africa.

A colleague is the equivalent Britta, that it went fine with The auditor general. PHOTO: PwC

the Lawsuit against Britta Nielsen continues today at nine o’clock in the Copenhagen city Court. Britta Nielsen has, at a previous hearing admitted large parts of the indictment against her. She could face up to 12 years in prison.

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