The 57-year-old designer Henriette Zobel died on Monday afternoon after prolonged illness. It confirmed the family’s priest, Unsourced Statements, to Ekstra Bladet.

the Death came as a shock, and Henriette Zobel was not ready to die, told the priest. The same message sounds from Dennis Knudsen, who was good friends with the designer.

– Dear Henriette. R. I. P. too early, you took on. Thank you for everything, he writes on Instagram a number of photos of him and her friend.

Danish well-known – 9. dec. 2019 – at. 22:47 Henriette Zobel did not know she was dying: – She was full of livsmod

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Dear Henriette R. in P too early you took far, thank you for everything

A spread shared by Dennis Knudsen (@dennisknudsenprivate) the

to Ekstra Bladet tells Dennis Knudsen that he Monday got the news through a common friend.

– I think it is so sørgerligt. She was not ready for. She was not, he says.

Dennis Knudsen and Henriette Zobel have traveled a lot together over the years. Photo: Private

He says that eventually it is some time since the two have talked together, because she has been plagued by disease, while he has been busy, for he was the father.

– However, I have interrogated me to her through mutual friends, and I know that she has had it bad for a long time. It has been several things. Her health has of bad, he says.

– I know that there have been many girlfriends at her at the last. They have been there for her, and there is no doubt that she has felt loved.

Dennis Knudsen has many good memories, he will remember back to when he reminded her friend.

– I have just sat and watched the pictures of her and shed a tear. We have traveled a lot together. I will remember her as a very lovely friend, which was extremely rewarding and this in the good periods. She was so great in many areas, he concludes.