‘There are fears that climate change could kill one of the region’s largest tourist attractions’.

How wrote The Guardian about a pictures taken 4. december of the world-famous waterfall, Victoria Falls. The story was subsequently cited in all sorts of media including the daily telegraph, Sky News, Reuters, the Huffington Post, the Daily Mail and The Independent.

the Waterfall is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and the Zambian president, Edgar Chagwa Lungu has even, on several occasions, warned against the influence of the Victoria Falls.

‘These pictures of Victoria Falls is a stark reminder of what climate change does to our environment and our livelihoods.’

‘There is no doubt that Zambia is one of the countries, where climate change hits hardest, while we can least afford to pay for the consequences,’ he has previously written on Twitter.

There is just one problem. They forget the nuances.

It is not at all certain that climate change has an importance, as it is not unusual that the amount of water in Victoria Falls is fluctuating. Especially in the context of a drought.

African Travel and Tourism Association (ATTA ed.) in the wake of the many articles about vandfaldets lack of water called the descriptions for the sensational. In addition, they write, it’s about the lack of understanding of the historical and seasonal changes in water levels in the waterfall.

the Article continues under the picture …

Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

It writes the local media The Chronicle.

‘There have recently been a number of media and news organizations all over the world, who have reported on the Victoria Falls’ potential desiccation.

‘Although we are aware that climate change is a growing concern at the global level, and the potential impact on countries around the world, so there has been a lack of insight in the historical seasonal patterns. It is very important information that helps to put it all in perspective’, writes the ATTA in a statement.

On the media the Victoria Falls 24, which follows the waterfall up close also describes how the waterfall last year reached its highest level since 2010.

The lowest annual water levels in Victoria Falls

the 1995/96: 390,3 cubic meters per second

the 1994/95: 441,9 cubic meters per second

1914/15: 448,9 cubic meters per second

1948/49: 507,7 cubic meters per second

the 1991/92: 528,3 cubic meters per second

1921/22: 531,8 cubic meters per second

1918/19: 558,4 cubic meters per second

1915/16: 561,1 cubic meters per second

1923/24: 572,2 cubic meters per second

Also turistagenturet informs that on a daily basis changes in the water level, which confirms that pictures, as the local resident Suzanne Elliot Smith has put up on Facebook. The photos are taken 6. december. Two days after the crisis.

Normally the water level in the waterfall is highest from april to June, while it is lowest from October to december.

In the first place wrote the Extra Magazine, that some scientists refuse to lay the entire blame for the water shortages in Victoria Falls on climate change, as well may be talking about the more random changes of the seasons.

Only if the boring phenomenon repeats itself in the coming years, will climate change get the starring role as villain, believe the researchers.

– But it is surprising that drought periods comes so often. The most recent drought was just three years ago, tells the local vandekspert Harald Kling to Reuters.

the Article continues under the picture …

Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Other researchers are however convinced that it is precisely climate change is the explanation.

This applies, among others, Richard Beilfuss, who is in charge of the International Crane Foundation and have a thorough knowledge of the water conditions at Victoria Falls.

– When the rains come in much larger quantities in a shorter time, it can be quite hard to keep on the water. And it gives a longer and harder drought.