do you Know something? Write directly to the journalists behind the story here.

It was something so practical as the hassle with the cell phone, which did, that the defense department’s top civil servant, permanent secretary Thomas Ahrenkiel, not just read a very central mail in skandalesagen of fraud with tax dollars in the defense department Ejendomsstyrelse.

It explains the director although a mail from the so-called koncernstyringsdirektør 4. in november this year, which contained information about regular scams in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse.

– It is a bit technical, but it is because the e-mail containing classified information, and therefore, I can for safety reasons not to read it on mobile devices, said Thomas Ahrenkiel to the news agency Ritzau and continues:

– And I’m not in the house the day, and therefore I read not the contents. Subsequently, I’m not up on the mail and get it read, and it is obviously a mistake.

When the director received the central mail he had already been informed that the Office of the auditor general was on the road with serious criticism. It was not, however, Thomas Ahrenkiel to open the email.

Defence minister Trine Team (S) removed on Tuesday two directors in the ministry, because she is not in a timely manner has been informed of the fraud and control failures, which The auditor general has uncovered in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse.

In the first place, she has chosen to make his permanent secretary, Thomas Ahrenkiel, who is otherwise formally responsible for what goes on at the departmental area.

– When were you informed about the case?

– here is a case that has a long flow. Where the gravity of the case really are going up for me, is the 4. december, where we receive Rigsrevisionens report.

– When do you think you should have been informed about the gravity of the case?

– I would argue that when we are contacted by The auditor general in april, because The auditor general has been contacted by a whistleblower, who should I be informed on the matter.

Whose fault is it that you don’t get it?

– It is an error that is committed in the ministry. You are not paying attention to inform me.

– However, you should not even have to keep track of what is going on the departmental field and even pursue it, when, for example, you get a letter from the Office of the auditor general 13. may?

– It is always an individual assessment that takes place in any department on any given day.

– that is, when cases are of a significance, so they should be set up in the house. And here I would desire that I had been informed on the matter.

– Let us beat down on some dates: Why do you not, when you get the letter 13. may?

– It is not apparent from the letter that it is so serious a matter, as the later has proven to be.

– It is clear that if at the time I had known that we had had an inquiry from The auditor general about a whistleblower, then I would have looked at it with completely different eyes.

– But I do not have information about the whistleblower, and therefore see it as a more standardhenvendelse that the national audit Office will open a preliminary examination. It happens in our area several times a year.

Community – 10. dec. 2019 – at. 11:54 Crisis in the Defense: Here is the humiliating letter

– the Case is also on the agenda of the management meetings in september and October. Why you ask not to the case here?

– Because there is nothing in the statement of the background material for the meetings, which prompts me to inquire into the specific case.

And there are none of those who have the matter, who mentions it on the ledelsesmøderne. I would obviously like to have had.

– The 1. October holds a meeting, where it is clearly stated in a background note to the meeting, that there is something to come for. Why do you not here?

– This is an internal meeting of the department, where we are discussing the general status of the property area. And it is true, that on one of the last pages in the background material for the meeting is a mention of the fact that Rigsrevisionens investigation and report may contain serious criticism.

– But we simply not to the point of the meeting. So it will not be discussed.

– It is clear, that when I look back, so I would wish that I had even asked for it. I also wish that the officials, who knew the case, had the flag the. But neither happens, and it is a mistake, as I of course regret.

– But you have not read the background note before the meeting is held 1. October?

I can simply not remember. There is no doubt that when looking the background material, so I should have cracked down on it and asked for it.

– I would also think that the officials, who has written it, should have the flag it up. Neither happens, and it is a mistake, and I regret that.

the Danish policy – 10. dec. 2019 – at. 15:30 Listed by the Team are: Blunders on the strip

Question: What is the feeling you are left with the day?

– I am obviously really disappointed by this case. It is a serious matter, as I have explained to the minister, and I wish that we had been the in addition to.

– There is a clear error from the ministry’s side. It may not happen. It should not be done. And we should have tightened up.

– Have you considered to draw you as head of department?

– No.

Defence minister Trine Team (S) indicated to Ekstra Bladet that she would like to see his head of department, explains itself publicly in the case. It has until now been to this interview with Ritzau. Ekstra Bladet tries to get an interview with the director.

Team: I trust him

– Would you as a minister could commit such a string of fuck ups and be seated as minister?

– It will be up to Parliament to decide, says Trine Team.

– It is clear. But would you personally be seated as a minister, if you had made so many mistakes?

– It is not up to me. My task, as minister, is to assess who can I trust to advise me. I can not deny that if new information, as is the case of another. But with the statement I am faced with now, is the case only very late accessed the departmental head. Why I would think that he put inside with the same feeling as I do of anger at being kept waiting, while running such an important issue.

– do you Think he is permanent secretary of state whether, when the week is over?

– I think he is yellow and green of the ærgelse of the case

– You freder him now.

– I trust that he can be the permanent secretary and make the necessary arrangements, when it is about to clear up in this case.