It was a 23-year-old man, who brought the knife, which ended up costing a contemporary man’s life at the Circle K gas station on Bistrupvej in Minnesota on Thursday night.

It has just come forth by the Court of Lyngby, where the 23-year-old was made in grundlovsforhør. Here was the 23-year-old jail up to 10. January on reasonable suspicion that he – as the judge put it, at least is guilty in the violence of the particular crude, brutal or dangerous character.

Wearing blue plastikdragt and slippers, refused the close-built and dark-skinned man guilty of killing. He claimed, in turn, through counsel, that he acted in legitimate self-defence, as he poked the man, as well a hour later died as a result of his injuries.

It was the man himself, who reported to the police at so unusual a time like five o’clock early Saturday morning. He arrived to the court for full deployment in a civilpatrulje, which was led by a general patruljebil.

In court, appeared the man polite and smiling to those present. He was relatively nyklippet and pretended not to take large garb of the serious criminal charges, as the police courts against him.

It made a middle-aged man, in turn, which had appeared to follow along with. He våndede several times and took to his head in the waiting lounge outside the courtroom. Here he had had to stay most of the time, because the judge Line Kornerup chose to close the doors of the consideration for the investigations.

Since the drabssigtede at a time was taken out for a break in the grundlovsforhøret, exchanged two glances and a few words.

the 112 – 12. dec. 2019 – at. 20:28 Man killed by the knife near the school in Birkerød

Before then were the charges read out by prosecutor Tina Mogensen. Of the it appears that the 23-year-old drabsoffer was stuck with a so far unknown object. As the prosecutor later argued for the desire in open court;, she told that it was not yet succeeded to the police to find drabsvåbnet.

And so we lack to interrogate a number of witnesses, she mentioned.

Defender Gitte Juul Jensen used within grundlovsforhøret 25 minutes to speak with his client. She did note that she so far had nothing against the closed doors, but she also said that it seems that there are more perpetrators on the loose.

It is very little, as the police so far have chosen to opt-out of drabssagen and the people involved. Police commissioner Henrik Gunst from north Zealand Police opened slightly up on Friday.

– We have a presumption that the subject is to be found in an internal showdown in the criminal environment, he said.

Three men on the 18, 20 and 27 were arrested shortly after the killing. The three were subsequently made on Friday in grundlovsforhør by the Court in Lyngby. But the three were only charged with the illegal possession of firearms and not for the killing. While the two youngest were released, was the oldest of the three held in custody for 14 days.

Both the three arrested are from Friday and the drabssigtede are all protected by navneforbud.