I got in 2016, a bad infection in the intestines, which forced me out of a serious lifestyle change, if not my life would be a living hell. I could no tolerate. If I ate animal products, my body a total meltdown. I read a lot of articles from the US about people who had the same challenges as me, and it gave me the courage and the belief that if I changed my lifestyle drastically, I could still be 100 years.

So In release is not for me yet…

I saw myself in the mirror, a sad winter’s day 2016. My mirror image and the body had long told me that everything was wrong. I was a freakin’ freakshow. Everything had to be changed, if I wanted to be a part of my daughter’s life, see her become the adult, get family. First of all, I could make up with what I saw in the mirror.

See also: Before, I was the pure freakshow in the face – I looked like a bavians asshole

My artificial lures may of. My nails. It was over with filler that poisoned my appearance and self image. Botox that paralyzed my face and my ability to say no. I stopped eating animal products. The milk in my coffee was to rismælk. No meat, fish, butter, cream, all the things that are often main ingredients in the Italian kitchen, which is the food I make (my dad is turning in the grave).

It was not only a showdown with the filler and food, but also my Italian background, where the kind of food to have gathered people around me. Even makeup had to let life and I went hard after a life in the balance. I looked at myself, more holistic, was now my home is more important than the exterior. And it is damn well not, because I don’t care about my looks or will look like a rynkerøv, but now eat, train and think I am young. IT is freakin’ cool.

In my own process I was asked by a production company if I would be in a programme, which documented my transformation. I therefore had to go back a bit in my own development/settlement and for the tv show’s fault I got nails, hair and all the fuss on again. It was a strange place. But I must greet and say that the smoke of again, as the filming took off. It was damn fun, but also some of the hardest I have been involved with. For a thing is to itself, in its own little world, making up with everything you have stood for and believed in. Something else is that it is documented to allemand. Thrill. The production company added a lot of ‘rules’, which I really think was ridiculous, but I went with on the game. For example, I had to not go in the bath two days before a date, and I had to not shave legs and under arms. Therefore, I am not a total caveman, and I do not think, my progress means that I need to let that go in the bath. There are limits to naturligheden. But I may as well see that it is entertaining.

It is not because I have invented the deep dish or want to start a revolution. People must determine for itself over themselves. I’m just the chief, at your own meadow now, and I see and feel what happens when we do not allow ourselves to be dictated by either what we see in the mirror, or people that will not a good.

I find that the wave from the UNITED states to go back to the basic has been more on the bandwagon. And I’m so happy that I took hold of myself for over four years ago. For I have been much healthier and all of my numbers which flashed when I got the blood test is taken, is completely changed! I’m cleaner, my head is clearer and my hair is real.

If I can, then I think anyone can.

The funny thing is, when you clean out the physical, then comes the mental with. It follows suit. You get a strength! Therefore, I have also cleaned out the friends and acquaintances that also have to be married to me.

See also: Stephanie Star gets offers from married men: – How is it miserable. Add, I just have to say!

But it has also, for some strange reason, created a new and completely different opportunities for me! Suddenly I was contacted by several different tv-programs and charities-which is something very different than what else I have been asked about. Almost. I was just asked if I would participate in a ‘Plastic-program’ of a kind, and I had to say no thank you to. It is not for fun, what I have gone through the last 4-5 years. I’ll get never back!

I get the help of good people, people that will me good, and I think that 2020 will be awesome and the fucking beard.

For that is all we need,- we must have fun! We must do what we can to keep ourselves young and healthy, beautiful and wise, quite naturally, with the tools we can eat, work out, read, and think about us. And I’m not holy, I’m still in love with the colourful drinks! My heart is the same. That is just screwed on any buttons. I’m still naughty as a slagterhund, my Italian origins are still me.

I’m ready to give it gas with all that I have learned. And when the tv channels and production companies will is ready to do anything else with the tv, than just something to change its exterior with blades and needles, so I have more than spaghetti in the sleeve, but cool ideas as to how we dig deepen, and not only in the pockets when the content in the cannula must be paid.

Maybe it’s a revolution anyway!