It is not to be mistaken of who has been party chairman and prime minister – and who is relatively newly elected member of parliament in a new documentary about the british elections in the summer.

The new BBC documentary on Labour’s big election results from this summer’s british general election follows, among other things, Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Stephen Kinnock on election night back in June. And, in particular, a scene now draws headlines in the british media about politikerægteparret, which follows this made it possible in kinnock’s welsh constituency close to Swansea.

Since Kinnock out on election night have decided to give an interview to the present journalists, enters Helle Thorning-Schmidt as an extremely cash spin doctor.

– Why are you doing this now?, said Thorning.

– Øhmm, I don’t know, get the husband fremstammet.

– Why? What will you say?

– if you Think I should wait?

– Yes, you have to wait. You know nothing yet, saith the cash advice from Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

When the former’s prime minister discovers that Kinnock already has agreed to give an interview, acting Thorning quickly and schools Kinnock, what he shall say:

– It looks like we get a big turnout here. Which is great.

– But it’s not about the…

No, but it you can just say, sounds like spin-the council from the social democrats, so the ex-advisor.

– Nårh…, says Stephen Kinnock.

Stephen Kinnock sitting as an mp in one of the safest Labour constituencies in the Uk in the old industrihjerteland to the east of Swansea. Here is Kinnock elected in Aberavon, where he at this summer’s choice got the whole 68 per cent. of the votes – an improvement from debutvalget in 2015, nearly 20 percentage points.

Kinnock got over 22,000 votes in the elections in the summer.

Labour won in the summer with Jeremy Corbyn in the forefront with a surprisingly good results and got nationwide throughout the 40 per cent. of the votes. However, it was not enough to tilt the conservative Theresa May of the stick in Downing Street, despite the fact that May lost its absolute majority in the house of commons.

Several british media has described the scene with Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Stephen Kinnock.

At The Independent describes the notifier documentary as Thorning’s show:

And the Huffington Post UK is not slow to describe the scene as an outright rebuke from Thorning to her husband.

A second clip from the video shows the moment, where it probably goes up to Stephen Kinnock – again with the help of Helle Thorning comments to Jeremy Corbyn, as Kinnock has been highly critical of for – enough, yet it continues as a Labour-chief after the impressive options.