Earlier in the year afslørerede the comedian in The Jonathan Ross show, that she had found together with ungdomskæresten Bobby Koostra again.

In a new edition of the uk talk show, tells comedian Katherine Ryan, to the fact she also has been a civil marriage with his sweetheart. In Denmark.

In the program joked with her that it had been something of an intense experience, because her 10-year-old daughter was freaky in addition to that, the pair were to be married. She would allegedly do not have, that the mother was in a relationship.

however, Katherine Ryan to carry out the ritual in Denmark.

– We went to Denmark, because it was the fastest and cheapest. It was a lovely day, she says.

the Daughter was, according to the comedian really ratty, when the family was around in Denmark.

She took her chanel sunglasses on and walked around and was angry at Tivoli, but we think it was a little funny. At least an hour after. She freaked out completely, but she is happy now. It all went. It is beautiful, and she is happy for him, and it means that she is trusting me again.

In september, shared the star more pictures from Denmark on his Instagram, but without revealing that she had been married.

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Sorry to be a renaissance panting and the dress is @maisonvalentino headpiece @victoriapercival_accessories

A post shared by Katherine Ryan (@kathbum) the

She took the pictures from the Nimb hotel where she was in a beautiful green dress and perlehårbånd posed.

Also photos from both Tivoli gardens and Frederiksberg city Hall was shared.

the Couple have previously been together, but decided to go apart from each other. However, they could not keep themselves from each other, and ended up with to make their love official in Denmark.